That night Raphael comes to take Eva out to go and meet Rosa and introduce herself, so Raphael is carrying Eva on his shoulders as she has a cotton candy stick in her hand and Bob is in her bag with his head sticking out like usual but this time he is facing towards Eva rather than away from her so he can talk to her without it being too obvious, the cotton candy was a treat from Raphael as he had made tamales for the nursing home that Rosa stayed at and Eva was excited to go because her family had some Spanish background and she learned that Raphael and his sister were Mexican and Rosa still spoke Spanish so she would be able to talk to Rosa a lot easier, they were approaching Rosa's nursing home and she could tell that he was getting nervous "Raphael?" She asked and he nodded his head "are you okay?" She asks and he sighs and nods his head again "I just get worried, my sister she's getting on in life and... and I don't know how much time she has left and I'm worried that she could be taken from me any day now." He tells her and Eva nods even though he can't see it "I understand Raphael... I'm scared that any day my siblings go on their missions that they won't come back so I used to make excuses as to why they couldn't go... it was just because I was scared that they wouldn't come back to me..." Eva says and Raphael nods his head it scares him because she's only four with the maturity of a twenty year old so he does forget that she is very mature for her age "you know, you remind me of Rosa a lot, you act just like her sometimes and you look quite like her as well." Raphael says and Eva giggles "well you do act like my Jace and my Alec." Eva says and that makes Raphael smile for some reason, they get into the CareHome as Raphael lifts Eva off of his shoulders and props her onto his hip as the head nurse approaches Raphael "Raphael! It's a pleasure to see you, who is this little sweetheart?" She asks and Raphael doesn't know what to say but Eva does "I'm Eva his little sister." She says and Raphael smiles as the nurse nods her head "I'm Nurse Teally it's a pleasure to meet you Eva." She says and smiled and Raphael smiles at Eva and Bob. "Rosa is down the hall in the recreation room." Nurse Teally says and Raphael nods and signs in before heading down the corridor to see Rosa, they walk in and Eva sees a sweet old lady sitting in a armchair over by the window looking up at the stars "Hola Rosa ¿Cómo estás?" (Hello Rosa how are you?) Raphael asks her and she turns her head with a smile "Hola, soy buena, ¿cuál es tu nombre pequeña?" (Hello, I'm good, and what is your name little one) She says and Eva gasps "Raphael calls me that too, Me Llamo Eva." ( my name is Eva) She says and Rosa smiles "Es un placer conocerte." (It is nice to meet you) Rosa said as she smiled and Eva smiled right back at her, "I made you some tamales Rosa for you and the ladies." Raphael says and Rosa nods her head at him before looking back out the window "do you like the stars Rosa?" Eva asks and the woman nods her head "Oh si, when I was younger and me and my brother moved here from Mexico I... I didn't like it here but my big brother was always there for me and he told me... whenever I felt lost I should look up at the stars because they are the same stars in Mexico." Rosa told her and Eva nodded her head "I understand, it sounds like your big brother was a really nice guy." Eva says glancing at Raphael who just smirked at her "he was the best, always looking out for me and making sure that I was happy he was my best friend my big brother." Rosa said with a smile on her face until it turned to sadness "but then my brother ran away and he never said good bye." Rosa says and Eva nods her head and Raphael looks over at her upset "no no he did Rosa he did, he came to see you one last time and he gave you a hug and made sure you were okay before he told you that he had to leave." Raphael says and Rosa nods her head "I don't remember it... I don't even remember my brothers name..." she says frowning and Eva felt bad for Raphael and Rosa because anyone could see how much Raphael loved his sister and it must be hard to watch someone you love forget you. They stay with Rosa a little while longer and then they head to the institute again because it is night time and Eva has to go to bed.
Eva goes to sleep with Alec in his bed and Bob is cuddling into Eva's arms and she falls asleep and Alec watches her little face, how relaxed and at peace she looks sleeping and Bob notices Alec staring "it'll be okay you know." Bob says quietly and Alec looks at him "oh yeah? How'd you know?" Alec replies and Bob looks at him "I just know, she's strong ya know, she'll be fine." Bob says and Alec nods quickly kissing Eva's forehead before he turns off the light to go to sleep. The next day Eva wants to go to check on her sister and she opens Izzy's door to see that Izzy is laying in her bed. She's shuddering and sweating. It's all withdrawal from her yin fen use and Eva sees her and runs over "Izzy! Are you okay?" She asks and Izzy nods her head "I'm fine Eva." She says and Eva looks at Bob who's beside her worried "your sick Izzy! We need to tell Alec!" Eva says and before Izzy can protest Eva is picking up Bob and is out the door and sprinting the corridors when she turns the corner and collides with someone sending her and Bob to the floor "oomph." She says as she hits the floor and she looks up to see inquisitor Herandale "Hello Madame inquisitor!" Eva says with a smile as she is still sitting on the floor and Bob shakes his head a little to recover from being knocked onto the floor "Miss Lightwood, perhaps running in the corridors isn't the best idea, hm?" She says and Eva grins and nods "yes Miss... I was looking for my Alec... I need him it's very important that I find him." She says and the woman nods "oh really why?" She asks and Eva doesn't want to tell on Izzy "because... I want to paint but my paints are on the top shelf and it's really important because I'm gonna make a masterpiece!" She says and the inquisitor actually smiles at Eva when she says that "well then I suppose you want to know that I saw your big brother in the Ops centre a few moments ago talking to Jace." She says to the little girl who smiled and nodded her head before heading off "Evangeline?" She says and Eva spins back around "yes?" She asks and faces the woman "I owe you a thank you, for what you did... to save all those down worlders." She says and Eva shakes her head "they're family to me, I had to save them, and I have to make sure that they all get treated equally." She says before turning around again to walk away "I would like to have a discussion with you later about your abilities if you do not mind." She says to the little girl that nods her head "okay, bye Madame inquisitor." She says with a smile and continues on her way. She sees Alec in the Ops centre and makes a B-line for him and she reaches him and tugs on his trousers "Alec you have to come now!" Eva says and Alec looks at her, "why what's happened?" He asks her and she looks at him "It's Izzy! She's really badly sick." Eva says and Alec nods scooping up and Eva and running towards Izzy's room as Eva bounces in his arms with Bob and he puts them down when he reaches the room door and he quickly opens the door and goes inside the room "Izzy, tell me what to do, and I can do it. Whatever you need." Alec says and approaches Izzy to sit down on the edge of the bed and Eva and Bob climb up onto the bed and sit by Izzy's feet "I'm okay. I just need to sweat it out." Izzy says as Alec sits down next to her "Izzy? Izzy?" He questions as he shaking worsens and Alec turns Izzy on her back and dabs her forehead with a damp cloth as Eva hugs Bob tighter and he looks up at her "if it's scaring you, look away Eva." Bob tells her and she just closes her eyes tightly "Stop! It burns!" Izzy says as she sits up "No one knows, right?" She asks Alec and he shakes his head "No. Nobody. They all think you have the flu." He tells her before Alec's phone chimes "What is it?" Izzy asks him and he sighs and looks up at her "There was a demon attack. They need me." Alec says and Izzy nods her head before pointing at Eva as she spoke "Alec, you need to go and take Eva with you as well," Izzy says to him and Eva looks over at her withdrawing sister with worry on her face as Alec shakes his head "No. Izzy, I'm not gonna leave you like this." Alec says and Izzy is more firm about it "Alec, go. I'm gonna be fine. I promise. Go and take Eva with you." Izzy tells him and he nods sighing before he replies to his message and gets up off the bed before turning to lift her up off of the bed and into his arms as he walks out the room and Eva waves to Izzy with Bob as they peak over Alec's shoulder, and Alec heads to the Ops centre so he can find out more information about the bar attack before he headed out with Eva.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...