Evangeline Rosa Lightwood or Eva, for short, was sitting on her big brothers bed playing with toys, she had her stuffed elephant beside her, he was called Bob, she had had Bob since she was a baby, she was four years old and she lived in the New York City institute with her siblings because she was too young to go to the shadowhunter academy in Idris like her other brother Max, so she lived with Alec and Jace her big brothers and Izzy who was her big sister, she loved her siblings a lot, they were always looking out for her when they weren't on missions, she missed them terribly when they had to go on missions. She hadn't seen her parents in a while, but her father did send fire messages to her so she could still keep in contact with them. Usually Eva's days consisted of, waking up, Alec making her breakfast before Izzy would whisk her away to be dressed in a cute little outfit, then she would play with Jace or Alec, if they were busy she would go and pester Hodge and annoy him, she loved going to the greenhouse they had at the institute it was filled with loads of beautiful flowers, and the bushes were taller than her! She would run around the institute for a few hours before she would go have dinner with her siblings then Alec would help her have a bath, and get soaked himself, and help her put her pyjamas on and he would read her a book and she would go to sleep whilst her siblings trained.
She was watching Alec button up a shirt as they had a mission to find a demon who had been selling mundane blood, she was told she was not to go but she didn't want to stay here by herself at night! She might have a bad dream and need Alec cuddles or she might need Izzy to lie with her! And all three of her siblings were going! That's even worse! How was Jace gonna look under her bed for scary demons if he was gone! "Alec... please can I go with you! I wanna go!" She begged as she lifted Bob and walked over to Alec and looked up at him pouting and pushing her bottom lip out, it caused Alec to sigh and pick her up sitting her on his side and kissing her head "Eva we told you no, it's dangerous and we're going to a club, we can't take a four year old to a club." He said as she lay her head on his shoulder whilst still holding Bob in her hand. "But who's gonna stay with me? What if there's a scary demon under my bed?" She asked and Alec sighed and began carrying Eva to the ops centre to check up on the mission "well I can check before we leave but I promise no scary demons or monsters will hide under your bed." She pouted and glared at her brother "fine but if a shax demon eats me when I'm asleep it's your fault." She said crossing her arms, Bob was squashed against her chest. "I'll take that into consideration little rascal." He said as He saw Izzy deciding between two wigs, she was dressed in a white crop top and a black white pencil like skirt, Eva thought that she looked really pretty but her sister always did look pretty, "Isabelle, let's go." He said as he walked towards her, Izzy threw away a green wig and takes the platinum one with her. "Why would you want green hair Izzy?" Eva laughed at her "Hey, there, big bro. Little sis. I didn't want green hair I was only looking through them." She said pinching Eva's nose. "Really?" Alec questioned as he continued walking, Izzy smirked at her brother "What can I say? Demons dig blondes." That confused her "how'd you know," she asked as Alec looked at Izzy "Of course they do, but that's white." Izzy tilted her head to the side. "Platinum. And they don't exactly like Shakespeare, okay, Alec?" She said and he rolled his eyes, and hoisted Eva up a bit more so he didn't drop her "You're plenty distracting on your own." He said and Eva nodded "it's because your so pretty Izzy." Izzy smiled at her sister before smirking at Alec "So, be yourself. Is that what you're trying to say?" He shook his head and started to walk over to where he saw his parabatai "Never mind. Looking good, let's go."
Eva frowned, they were leaving already... but what about her story book! "We're ready, Jace." Izzy said and he turned to face them with a smile, before he saw Eva "Nice choice, Izzy. Demons dig blondes." He said and Izzy smirked "Told you." Then Jace took Eva out of Alec's arms as he whispered to Izzy "It's platinum." He said "and if it isn't my favourite little shadowhunters." He said spinning her in the air before kissing her forehead and holding her on his side. "All right, guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood." He explained pulling up the case file and it showed images of drained Mundanes, Eva found it scary so she used Bob to cover her eyes. "Why do they want blood? Isn't that vampire territory?" Alec asked pointing at the map and Jace shrugged "I don't know, Alec. Lazy vampires, maybe?" He said and Eva laughed a bit, she couldn't imagine vampires being lazy, they were so fast and they were also quite strong, "There must be something special about their blood." Izzy said trying to think of another reason mundane blood was being passed around, Alec hummed and looked towards his sister "What could be special about mundane blood?" He asked and Izzy shrugged "You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for." She said and they walked towards the weapons room and Jace opens one of their weapons racks and passes out seraph blades before he put Eva back on the floor and took a blade for himself "We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for." He said twirling the blade in his hands and Eva watched in awe, she loved seeing her siblings train, they were so cool! They were amazing at fighting, and Alec could hit any target no matter how far away! "So, you don't think they're acting on their own?" Jace shook his head as they headed out the weapons room. "No." He said and Alec nodded in agreement "They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters." Jace tapped on a screen and it brought up an image of a person "This is what our target looks like." He said and the other two nodded "For now." Izzy smirked and Alec nodded turning to head off "Great. I'll get approval for the mission." He said and Eva rolled her eyes as did Izzy. Alec was a goody two shoes that wanted permission and approval for his actions, Jace and Izzy didn't care and Eva didn't really either, she hadn't been raised with much authority figures in her life, after she was born she was practically raised by Alec and Izzy when they were teens so she wasn't exactly used to rules and laws. Hodge tried his best with Eva as well but at the end of the day it should've been her parents that should've been doing the majority of things that Alec, Jace and Izzy did for her "Come on, Alec. By the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons." Jace said trying to convince him to just go and do the mission "and if we're quick enough we can make it back before teenies bedtime and we can all read a bedtime story together." He said making Eva gasp "we can all read a bedtime story?" She questioned and Jace nodded "Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than to follow them." Izzy said and Alec groaned, he looked down as Eva was giving him puppy dog eyes, they barely ever all read stories together and Jace was promising that they could, she wanted that more than anything "fine! But then we're back for bedtime stories!" He said storming off to grab his bow and arrows, he wouldn't be using them but he always felt safer having a bow and quiver with him. It was just instinct at this point, wherever Alec was, his bow and quiver wasn't far.
Before the siblings left they took Eva to the training room where Hodge had agreed to look after the young Lightwood who was allowed to stay up past 'bedtime' just this once to wait for her siblings to return home, Alec and Jace kneeled down in front of Eva "now trouble maker. Behave for hodge will you. And I mean it, no stealing seraph blades and running off to practice, no locking people in the cupboards, and no tying Hodges shoes together like last time." The last part made Eva laugh remembering hodge running well hopping after Evangeline as she ran away laughing her little head off, Hodge had volunteered to look after Eva stating he loved kids and he didn't mind that she would be 'absolutely no problem at all and that watching her would be a walk in the park.' but after being pranked, tormented and having his shoes tied together he was surprisingly calm but Eva did have to make an apology cake to give to him but warned him that Izzy had been the one that helped her so he was really taking his life in his hands actually eating it but he was still alive so either he didn't eat it, the safe option, or he ate it, the stupid option, and hopefully it wasn't poisoned. "I promise Alec. I'll behave, I want a bedtime story together." She said and Alec nodded and kissed her forehead before standing up "we'll be back soon Eva, okay?" Jace said and Eva sighed but nodded, he pulled her towards him to give her a hug, he knew she hated when they leaved, they all knew it but they had a job to do so she would have to get used to it at some point because it's not like it was going to be changing anytime soon. The blonde let her go and stood up beside his parabatai and they both watched as their slightly younger sister kneeled down in front of their baby sister. "Hey everything will be alright, we'll be back in no time." She said giving her a reassuring smile, the girl smiled back before Izzy pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. The three siblings walked the young girl to the training room where Hodge was practicing his seraph blade skills, he was swinging it around and cutting through air and spinning the blade in circular patterns through the air. Hodge noticed the Lightwood siblings watching him closely "hello Alec, Izzy, Jace, Eva, you off on your mission already now that was fast." He says trying to make conversation. "Yeah really quick, anyway thank you for looking out for Eva again, it really does mean a lot to us." Alec said and Jace and Izzy nodded, Izzy watching Eva as she fiddled and played about with Bob between her hands. "It's no trouble, I don't mind watching her. Now off you go on your mission and I'm sure I'll hear all about it when you get back." He said and the trio nodded giving last hugs and kisses to the young girl before they turned and left. The young girl walked over to a bench in the training room and sat down to play with Bob.
hodge was practicing sparing on a dummy in the training room, he had been for the past 30 minutes or so and now Eva was up and mimicking him from behind him every time he turned around she stopped and pretended she was doing something else, but hodge knew what she was doing behind him as he could see her in the mirror, he thought that it was funny so he never said anything. He continued to let her pretend that she was being sneaky and undetected.
When Alec and Izzy got back, Jace wasn't with them because he had gone to check back up on a red head that they had run into at the club before she fled from the club But Jace was convinced that she was a shadowhunter because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it, he carried the red head into the infirmary and lay her on one of the beds looking at the Iratze rune he had drawn on her so she wouldn't die, Alec was more than annoyed about the whole situation that had happened in the club with the stupid girl, she could've gotten someone killed with how she had acted in the moment, Izzy had gone to change the girls clothes because demon venom had completely destroyed the clothes that she had on before, no one had noticed the young girl who had poked her head into the infirmary before walking up to the bed and poking the sleeping red head before asking "is it dead?" Which made Izzy's gaze snap over to her.
2368 words
Hello everyone so this is the first chapter of Little Lightwood, I hope you all enjoy this story was a request from @Magictko but if anyone has any questions or comments that they would like to ask or say please comment them down and I will either answer them or heart them. I always read all of your comments that you post because I value peoples opinions. Anyway I can't wait to get into this I'm very excited. Also the casting I'm using for this is bailee madison as Evangeline Rosa Lightwood. And everyone else as their original characters. Anyway I hope you all have a good day and I'll talk to you all later!!!

Little Lightwood
FanficEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...