Eva, Clary and Luke exited one of Eva's portals into an open field close to a forest and the portal closes behind them "I will never get used to that." Luke says shaking his head and Clary looks around as Eva just holds Bob close "Of all places, why would she come here?" Clary asks and Luke sighs and looks at the two girls "I brought her here. It's my farm." Luke says and Eva looks up at him confused "but your not a farmer... your a policeman." She says tilting her head to the side and Clary nods her head "yeah... I never knew you had a farm." Clary says and Luke nods his head "I stayed here for six months back when I first turned, when my life fell apart. That little farmhouse is where I put it back together." He says and Eva felt bad for and decided to hold Bob securely with one hand and with the other she toddled up to Luke and took his hand making him smile down at her until he notices the golden bracelet with the wings engraved on it "where'd you get this kid?" Luke asks her and she looks at the bracelet and thinks "oh! I got it when we helped Ithuriel on the roof!" She says with a smile and Luke nods his head and they keep walking "I haven't heard from her since I brought her here. She's cut herself off." Luke says talking about Cleophas again and Clary nods "Can't say I blame her. Being held captive by Valentine and poisoned." She says and Luke shakes his head "It's terrible." He says and Eva nods her head "he was a bad man... he hurt people who hadn't done anything wrong." Eva says with a sad look on her face and Bob smiles at her "your right Eva but you don't have to worry about him anymore... he's gone." The elephant reassures her as they walk up the porch and Luke knocks on the door "Cleo. It's Lucian." He calls out after dropping Eva's hand and Cleophas opens the door "Clarissa... Evangeline..." Cleophas says before she walks past Luke and gives Clary a hug. Clary and Luke are both surprised and so is Eva but she moves out the way not wanting to be the next person to be hugged "please come in, all of you." She says and they all enter the house and sit down to have a drink as Eva looks around with Bob "it's a nice house don't you think?" Eva asks Bob who nods and he looks up at her "I can't imagine what Luke must've gone through after becoming a werewolf." He says and Eva nods "yeah, me neither..." she says and she watches as the adults go outside to have a drink on the porch Eva follows but she stops to take her jacket off and she sees the golden bracelet again and she can't help but wonder why she was given it "Ithuriel... He helped us before." Eva hears clary say as she walks outside "And you think he can help again? Iron Sisters do have ways to communicate with the Angels. But I'm afraid I cannot do that for you." Cleophas says and Eva walks over to stand beside Luke's leg "You can't? Or you won't?" The wolf says and he sends a smile to Eva who grins back at him and she hands him her jacket which he takes and folds over his arm "I have been trying to contact the Angels. But as hard as I try, they will not answer." Cleophas says with a sigh and Eva scrunched her face up "Why?" She asks and Cleophas looks down at her "I'm not certain. I sometimes tend to wonder if my own irredeemable actions have severed my ties to the heavens. I'm useless. But you, Evangeline... you are far from useless." Cleophas said eyeing the now visible bracelet on the four year olds wrist "What do you mean?" Eva asks and Bob sighs and explains before Cleophas can "You may not be an Iron Sister, but the Angel's influence runs through you, it is an advantage of being the chosen one, and that there can summon an Angel down from above." Bob says pointing at her bracelet and Eva puts the information together in her head "You think I can summon Ithuriel?" She says and Cleophas nods before adding "No one other than an Iron Sister has done it before. There may be risks. But it's certainly worth a try." She says and Luke quickly piped in "What risks?" He didn't want Eva in any danger if he could prevent it "There's a chance it could anger Ithuriel, he could lash out at her but because she is a chosen one I don't think he would harm her." Cleophas says and Eva nods her head "He's never hurt me before." Eva says and Cleophas sighs "He chose those moments to appear to you. Summoning an Angel is a whole different story..." Cleophas says and Luke sees Clary sitting silently thinking about it "Clary, I know this is important, but so is Eva." He says not wanting the little girl to be hurt "So is Jace... if something is wrong with my brother then... I have to make him better... he helps make me better when I'm sick." She says and Luke smiles down at her and Clary nods to Cleophas who begins to lead them off the porch and into the forest.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...