Ain't No Party Like a Warlock Party

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The next day after Eva had mistakenly drank Alec's beer she woke up from a terrible nights sleep, she just couldn't fall asleep the night before and then she kept tossing and turning and fidgeting complaining her chest was burning and Alec felt so bad for the little girl because now she was really grouchy and being snappy and moody, so Alec carefully got her dressed he and been holding her to his chest as he rubbed the skin on her back whilst the girl just lay on her brothers chest in her underwear, she used to do it a lot as a baby, Alec was told by one of the older members of the institute that babies sometimes required skin on skin contact and Alec and Eva used to lie like that when Eva was younger because it calmed her down quickly, Alec would lie on his bed in sweatpants whilst Eva lay on his chest in a diaper with a pacifier in her mouth with a blanket over the top of her, so now he was doing the same thing but he was gently rubbing her back over the scar line and it was probably the only thing keeping Eva from sobbing, Bob was sitting beside Alec on the bed watching the tired for year old as a fire message appeared and Bob caught and held it with his trunk as he read it out "Dear Evangeline Lightwood... you are invited to the celebration party of... the new high warlock of Brooklyn Lorenzo Rey, please see details below for time and location... all the best your friend Lorenzo..." Bob said trailing off and Eva sniffled and whined as she looked up at her brother who shushed her and kissed her forehead "if your too tired you don't have to go." He says with a smile but Eva whined and hit her hands off his chest frustrated because that wasn't the problem "ow Eva okay... do you wanna go but your too tired?" Alec asks and she whimpers and nods her head and puts her hand on her chest and Alec sighs "I know it hurts I'm sorry princess." He says and she starts bawling and Alec's heart breaks because he knows how much pain her scar is causing her, he gets up still keeping her on his chest as he bounces her, making sure her blanket it covering her he picks up Bob handing him to Eva and goes to get her something to eat as her bawling quietens down a little but she doesn't stop crying, he carries her to the food hall and sees Izzy and Jace sitting with Clary eating breakfast so he approaches them and sits down with Eva, no one really looks at him because people walked about shirtless all the time if they were training and no one could see Eva that well so they just continued eating their breakfast and Izzy gives Alec a look of utter confusion "why are you shirtless and why is Eva in a blanket it's not that cold in here?" Izzy says confused and Alec sighs "do you remember what I used to do with Eva when she was a baby to get her to stop crying?" Alec asks and Jace nods "yeah the skin thing." He says and Alec nods and gestures to Eva and both siblings nod now understanding "what's wrong with her?" Clary asks and Alec sighs "her scar... it's causing her a lot of pain... she barely slept last night so who knows how today is going to go." Alec says and Jace and Izzy both share a look and Eva begins moving and whimpering and Alec rubs her back gently again and thats when Clary gets a look at Eva's scar and the guilt hits her, Jace never had a scar and it was Raziel who healed him so why did Eva have such a horrifying scar? It was the one thought that Clary had but she couldn't say that or people would start asking questions. "Jace can you get us something to eat please?" Alec asks exhaustedly and Jace nods at his parabatai and gets up quickly kissing Eva's head before he heads off to grab Alec and Eva some food.

After eating Alec takes Eva to get a bath and get her changed into some pyjamas, he changes her into her zebra print onesie and he called Magnus to try and numb her pain which he was able to do but watching as she was crying in her brothers arms in pain it killed Magnus on the inside but he numbed her pain and she drifted off to sleep instantly, far too exhausted to stay awake and Magnus looked at the fire message on Alec's cabinet "she was personally invited... how does she know Lorenzo?" Magnus asks looking at Alec who shrugs not sure where she met him "when you two disappeared off... ehm... she saw him sitting alone and decided to go and talk to him and they became friends before she ended up with Taito and some of his pack mates." Bob tells them and they nod "well if we're going to a party I better find something for her to wear..." Alec says with a sigh and Magnus raises his hands "say no more I have got this covered... you go and get yourself ready and I'll get the princess dressed when she wakes." Magnus says and Alec smiles and kisses Magnus before heading off to get a shower and Magnus turns back to Bob "how has she been since Lake Lyn." He asks the elephant guardian who sighs "I think it's really affecting her mentally... I can see her acting differently, I don't think she's fully grasping the fact that... she died Magnus she was dead... I felt it, she's my chosen one I felt her die..." Bob says and Magnus sighs and sits on the edge of the bed beside sad elephant and he watches at the young Lightwood as she sleeps in her bed "I know... the charm in her hair I put a spell over it... when she's hurt severely or... dead it will return to me and lead me to her... and it came back to me when we arrived in Idris and I felt like I couldn't breathe and when we found her on the ground... I didn't care that Raziel was in the sky because I was too busy watching her as she lay there." Magnus said tears running down his face as he looks over at the toddler that has her hair fanned out around her and he saw the charm in her hair and she took a deep breath calming himself down as he wiped his tears and snapped his fingers fixing his makeup as the young girl groaned and turned onto her side reaching towards Alec's side of the bed before she whined and drifted back into a deep sleep and Magnus smiled because he adored the relationship that the two siblings shared, it was a beautiful thing that the two of them shared they were both so close and Eva relied on Alec so much but then again she was only four years old and whilst there was over fifteen years between them it didn't stop them from being close. Eva woke up a few hours later and Magnus helped her change into her black dress with ruffles up the straps and he also helped brush her hair and pick out some shoes before the three of them headed off to the warlock party and Eva was now feeling a bit better, she was still a bit grouchy because she was running on three hours of sleep and her lungs were still hurting a little bit but she decided to try and have a nice night and she had been told by Magnus that Madzie would be attending the party with Catarina and she was excited to see the little girl again, when the three of them are ready Magnus opens up a portal for them and they arrive outside of Lorenzo's house and Eva gasped at the size of the house because it was huge, she holds Bob in her arms as Magnus and Alec walk in, Magnus holding Eva in his arms.

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