hey... I thought you said no four year olds allowed in the club

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Alec had sat Eva down to go and do something else, so she had toddled after Izzy and Simon, or Dane as she was calling him, in her bunny slippers and Izzy had stopped by the kitchens and grabbed some food she had been making before they had left earlier, she had told Eva to take Simon to her room so she did, she took Simons hand and she lead him to her room, "you don't have to be afraid Dane!" She said when Simon jumped when she grabbed his hand, Simon just scrunched his face up at her "why do you keep calling me Dane? My name is Simon, and where are your parents?" He asked as he moved over to sit on the bed, "Dane is short for mundane... I thought it was a good idea," she said frowning and now Simon felt bad "and Mommy and Daddy, they... I don't know where they are... anytime I ask Alec just says there busy and Izzy tells me not to worry about it, Jace usually just tries to talk about something else." She said in a sad little voice before shrugging her shoulders, then she lifted up Bob "but Bobs always here! And he's really cool! See look at his long ears! They flap like wings! Watch watch!" She said with a huge grin and she shook the toy up and down making the ears fall and Simon smiled at her "wow! That's so awesome." And Eva climbed up on the bed beside him "I know right!" She said and Izzy walks in with a tray full of breakfast food. "Are you bothering Simon, Eva?" Izzy asked sitting the tray down on the bed and sitting up beside Simon "no Izzy! I was showing him Bob!" She said lifting the elephant up to show Izzy who nodded her head at her little sister, "okay, why don't you play with Bob on the floor or open one of your colouring books?" She suggested and Eva nodded sliding off the bed onto her feet and bunny slippers, before she ran over to a box in the corner of Izzy's room that was covered in stickers and different colours, she opened it and took out a colouring book of flowers and grabbed her pencil case that had her sparkly pens inside it, Eva had decided she was going to colour in an amazing picture for her new friend Simon! So she was using her special sparkly pens, not even Jace had gotten a picture with her sparkly pens! She was happily humming and sometimes talking to Bob as she coloured but Izzy and Simon paid no attention to her as they were talking to each other. "So, um... what happens to humans if they're... runed?" Simon says nervously and Izzy smiles at him before she answers "They usually die. Sometimes they go crazy. When that happens, we call them the Forsaken. Then we kill them." She said as she was eating some of the food she had made from the bowl "Right. So the rune on Clary's neck..." he trailed off not really knowing how to describe it "A healing rune. Jace used it to save her life." Izzy explained to him and Simon thought for a second before looking at Izzy "So Jace knew she was a Shadowhunter?" He asked and she nodded "He was almost certain." She said tilting her head to the side watching Simons shocked face, Simon stands up from the bed but Izzy quickly gets up and moves in front of him. "Where could you possibly be going?" She said pushing him back towards her bed as Eva's head popped up from her colouring of a sunflower, one of the many flowers that symbolise friendship, and she watched as Simon had tried to leave them chilled out and sat back down, she watched all of that before she started colouring in again, "To get Clary, to protect her from Jace." Simon said answering Izzy's question, which made her confused "And why would she need protection from Jace? He's the ultimate protector." She said laughing a little at Simon "What makes Jace so special?" He asked and Izzy relaxed into her bed a little partially lying down "Fastest, strongest, fiercest. And hello, have you seen the guy?" She said smirking at Simon who began stuttering and stammering over his words "Yeah, well, uh... sorry I asked." He finally managed to say as Izzy settled down to eat, making sure to sit the snack she lifted for Eva aside "Rest easy, hombre. Clary's in good hands." She says as she eats something out of the bowl. "Mmm, don't worry. There's plenty more where that came from." She says eating some more food out of her bowl. "Good to know. Good to know" he said as he plays around with his spoon in the food not really wanting to eat the strange looking food so instead he asks Izzy questions instead "So the Circle... if they're as bad as they say they are, it's not good for Clary, is it? He asks and Izzy stops eating for a minute to answer him "It's not good for any of us." She said and he nodded "how come your sister got left with you guys?" Simon asked not realising how insensitive he sounded "well... mom and dad are very busy people and don't... don't really have time for looking after a kid," she said before lowering her voice "mom said it was a waste of time and if we raised her it would show us some responsibility, but I think she just didn't want another kid, it sounds horrible but anytime my mom comes to visit she couldn't be less excited to see Eva, I mean Alec named her for Angels sake! And we have been raising her since she was a little baby!" Izzy exclaimed quietly trying to keep her voice down, a moment later Eva came bouncing over with Bob tucked under her arm "Dane! I made this for you!" She said happily and it was a very messily coloured in picture of a sunflower but it was actually a very good picture overall. Simon smiled as he took it off her looking at all the sparkly colours "wow, this is amazing thank you so much." He said folding it to put it in his pocket. Izzy smiled at how nice Simon was being towards Eva.

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