Eva Explores Paris

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Eva is sitting on the couch by the crackling fire place and Jonathan kneels down by her with a bowl of soup but she screws her face up at it, she never really liked soup all that much after Izzy tried to make her soup once "Here. It'll help you get your strength back." Jonathan tells her and she grimaces and looks up at him "I really don't like soup..." she says and she also gives him a weary look making him sigh and put the bowl down on the little table beside them before he looks up at Eva "I understand that you don't trust me. But I would like to ask you to try." He says and Eva thinks for a second before she looks at him "How could I trust you? After everything you've done?" She asks and Jonathan looks at her "Because I'm your brother now. Because we're actually not that different, you and me." He says and Eva looks confused "But... I am nothing like you." She says and Jonathan stands up looking a little bit hurt and he turns to Eva "I may have demon blood, but so do others that you love: Simon, Magnus, Luke. Those other wolves and vamps your so fond of... You know, my curse started the day that I was abandoned by my birth mother. Would you be any different if instead of Maryse, you were raised by my sadistic father?" He asks her and she shakes her head "I wasn't meaning your demon blood! That would be horrible! I just meant we were different and besides Jace was raised by Valentine." Eva says to him and he scoffs "Jace... wasn't sent to Edom to be burned by Lilith." He tells her and she looks at him sadly "I'm sorry Jonathan... I didn't know..." she says and he shakes his head "I'm not interested in pity." He says and Eva looks up at him "Just understanding. I can't deny the things I've done. But you need to know that's behind me now. I can change. I want to change. Because... whatever good exists inside of you, at least some of that has got to be inside of me too. Somewhere. I intend to prove that to you." He says before he notices her shivering a little bit "I should get some more firewood. I'll be back. Soon." He says and Jonathan grabs a cloak and leaves. Eva looks at some bread and butter on the table beside a butter knife, she climbs off of the couch and moves over to the table pulling herself into a chair before looking through the window at the snow. She then takes a piece of bread and begins buttering it trying to be careful with the knife and Jonathan enters and puts the wood down by the fire. Eva tries to not break concentration as she butters the bread, her tongue sticks out the corner of her mouth a little bit as Jonathan begins to speak "Sorry it took so long. The weather's brutal out there. The good news is we won't be here much longer. The apartment can take us wherever we want to go. And if I recall from what you told me in the institute... one place that my sister has always dreamed of visiting..." he trails off and Eva smiled at him "Paris." She says before buttering the bread again, Magnus and Alec had done to Paris on a date and told Eva how beautiful it was and now she wanted to go, she remembered telling Sebastian about it one of the days and he nodded and told her it was a lovely city "Absolument." He replies and Eva turns her head confused "what does that... OWW!" She cries out as she wasn't paying attention and the sharp knife cut her hand and the same cut appeared on Jonathan's hand and Eva drops the knife, she is hurt badly from the cut and it is stinging like crazy when Jonathan activates the iratze on his neck, it ends up healing both himself and Eva. "Amazing." He says and Eva looks at him like he's crazy "No! It's not amazing! It's scary!" Eva says and Jonathan chuckled with a smile on his face "We are one now, little sister. You and I... we are one." He says and he walks over to the table and sits down across from her as she begins eating her bread "well I think there's no time like the present, let's get going." He says and the lights in the apartment are flickering heavily as Jonathan's eyes have become black. The whole room shakes and then, it is over "What was that?" Eva mumbled whilst she's eating her food and Jonathan smirks at her "Just a little change of locale." He says and she cocks her head to side confused "what does that mean?" She asks and he laughs and gestures to the balcony doors, so she finishes her bread and slides off the chair to walk over to the doors and opens them and walks outside and she gasped but never smiled when she saw where they were... Paris. Jonathan stands next to her "What's wrong? You're in Paris. I thought you'd be happy." He says and she sighs and looks at him "I know I am happy but... I miss my big brother, I miss my Alec... I've never been away from him for so long and I really miss him." She says as she starts crying and then she runs over where the mark is "and I'm scared, I don't know what's going on!" She says and Jonathan nods his head understanding "I take it you're afraid of our little bond." He says to her and she walks back inside wiping her tears away and sniffling a little bit before she climbs onto the couch again "So... how does this work? If one of us gets hurt, the other does too?" She asks and Jonathan nods his head in agreement "That appears to be the case." He says and Eva nods and moves her top a little bit to show the tune Lilith carved into her chest "I think it's because of this weird rune thing that Lilith gave me." Eva tells him and he nods his head "Well, if we can't be enemies, perhaps we'll be allies. We never got a chance to know each other. And what better place than Paris? Home of Renoir, Matisse, Van Gogh and now... the new and improved Morgensterns." He says and Eva just stares at him "I didn't understand half of the words you just said but I'm not a Morganstern I'm a Lightwood." She tells him and he smiled at her "You're a kind and helpful person, Eva and I admire that. I'm gonna go get us some food so how about I pick up some art supplies, pens and paint and stuff and you can show me how you work?" He says and begins to walk to the door and Eva thinks about it, and then she quickly turns around "Jonathan, wait. Take me with you. If you really wanna get to know me, you can't keep me locked up in here. Please! I've really wanted to explore Paris ever since Alec and Magnus told me about it!" She practically begs him with her best puppy dog eyes and everything "I'm afraid it's not that simple." He says and Eva is confused because it is simple just let her go. "I think that it's simple if I hurt you, which I don't want to do because I don't like hurting anyone, then I hurt myself. And besides, like you've said before now we're both on the run from the Clave. It's not like I'm gonna run away, I don't know my way around Paris... I've never even left New York before for anywhere other than Idris!" Eva says and Jonathan looks at her sceptically "How can I be sure you're telling me the truth?" He says and Eva groans and looks at him "have I ever told you a lie so far? You're just gonna have to trust me." She tells him and he crosses his arms "Does that mean that you trust me?" He asks her and she thinks before she answers "I don't know. You're the only person that's here and my siblings haven't came yet so... I guess I have to trust you I mean when you were pretending to be Sebastian you were always nice to me apart from when you hit me but that's different and I trusted Sebastian so... I think I just need a little time." She says and Jonathan nods and opens the doors to a walk-in closet and Eva just toddles after him "See what you can find." He tells her and she walks over to the kids clothes that Lilith had gotten for her and she sees onesies which make her happily squeal and Jonathan smiled at her as she looks through the pyjamas "wouldn't you prefer clothes?" He asks and she instantly shakes her head "No, onesies are better." She says and she finds a panda onesie and instantly decides that it's the one that she wants she takes the onesie and walks out of the closet, she goes behind a room divider and gets changed whilst Jonathan is changing too, "Paris is home to the world's the largest Institute, and we're both on the run, so... best to keep our runes covered." He says and Eva just laughs "I only have one." She says smiling and Jonathan puts on a shirt, jacket and scarf, and then turns around to Eva, who is more than happy wearing a panda onesie "You look adorable." He tells her making her smile and she puts up the hood to show the panda face and then she smiled at Jonathan "Thanks." She says cheerfully as she finds the onesie very soft and comfy "Shall we?" He asks her holding out his hand and she laughs and takes his hand nodding as they leave the apartment.

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