Guilty Conscience and a new friend

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Alec is sitting holding Eva's little hand in his, he's reading her one of her favourite story books, Alice in Wonderland, she could have that book read to her every night and she would never grow tired of it, she loved the idea that Alice could travel to a magical place where animals could talk to you, he finished reading and closed the book and held Eva's hand between both of his hands and he rested his face on top of his hands as tears streamed down his face "please wake up..." he whispers kissing the back of her hand before he stands up and leans over kissing her head before he leaves the room wiping his eyes, he heads straight for the training room to release some of his anger. He passed Jace on his way who was going to check on Eva "is she okay?" Jace asked him and Alec nodded "She's fine now, thanks to Magnus, she's only got a couple of bruises right now and she should be awake in a few hours or so." Alec tells his parabatai who nodded and headed towards where Eva was being kept, Jace walks in and looks at his sister lying unconscious and his heart feels like it's breaking "by the Angel Eva... I should've been here..." he says trailing off as he sits beside her still body and he brushes her hair out of her face with his fingers and he begins crying "god Eva I've been a horrible big brother to you... I don't know if I'll ever be able to apologise to you whilst your awake but I want you to know I'm sorry and I'll try my best to be the big brother you deserve... I love you Eva and I'm so so sorry" He says wiping his eyes and looking at his baby sister, he pulls up the covers around her a little bit more making sure she was tucked in and kept cosy before he gently kissed her forehead and tucks Bob in close to her before he wipes his eyes once more and leaves the room guilt heavy in his heart. He notices Maryse and Robert down the corridor and goes to speak to them.

Izzy is pacing and talking to Alec, who's training. Alec is using all his guilt as a fuel to make him train harder "She calls Meliorn in and arrests him, then acts like it's all out of her hands." She says as she is watching Alec "You're gonna hurt yourself. I know you're worried about Eva but this isn't how you deal with it." She said and Alec turned to glare at her "I'm fine, Izzy don't use Eva as an excuse and it was the Clave that gave the order, not Lydia." He told her and she scoffed and glared back at him "Are you sure about that?" She asks him crossing her arms as Jace walks up to them and notices that something is up and he looks at Alec "Hey. You all right?" He asks his parabatai and he nods unconvincingly "I'm fine." He says and Jace nods "I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Idris." He says and that grabs Izzy's attention "What?" Izzy asks and Alec looks shocked as well "Yeah." Jace says and Izzy looks towards Alec with an angry look on her face "Another "order" from Lydia?" She says crossing her arms and Jace looks confused "Who's Lydia?" He asks and Alec feels nervous "She's in charge of the Institute." Izzy says looking at Alec and back to Jace "She's what?" Jace says shocked "Temporarily." Alec says and Izzy just shakes her head "And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?" She says and the anger from the two black haired siblings is rising "Maybe they aren't. The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in and Eva was almost killed!" Alec says and Jace looks confused about something he said "What are you talking about?" Jace asks him crossing his arms looking at his parabatai and Alec sighs "Mom and Dad were members of the Circle." He says and Izzy looks both shocked and heartbroken all in one look "What? They don't have Circle runes." She says and she was right Robert and Maryse Light do not have circle runes, "That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising. In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned." He said punching the punch bag a few more times and Izzy finally realises what's annoying him "You're questioning their loyalty?" She says and Alec huffs and turns to face her once more "Valentine is back. The Circle is rising. They're under suspicion." He says and Jace doesn't believe that they would do this "No way. Robert and Maryse took me in. They raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are." He says and Alec raises and eyebrow at him in question "Are you sure? They lied to us. For years, they've been telling us how to act. That we have to uphold the Lightwood name. Well, they're the ones who tarnished it. They're hypocrites." He says and as if things cannot get any worse Lydia walks up to them and Alec wants to crawl into a hole and die. "You must be Jace Wayland. I'm Lydia Branwell. You're quite the legend back in Idris." She says complimenting the blonde shadow hunter trying to get a good first impression so Lydia holds out her hand. Jace just looks at it and doesn't shake it. "Don't believe everything you hear." He tells her and she turns around to look at Alec with a smile "Did you tell them?" She asks and Izzy looks confused "Tell us what?" She asks glaring at her brother who looks at her "Lydia and I are engaged." He says and Jace and Izzy are left speechless "We're getting married." Lydia says smiling and Jace looks at Alec "You're not serious." Jace says unable to believe anything that's happening "You were supposed to tell them "no". It's your life to ruin.  Did you even talk to Eva, Alec? She's been terrified your gonna leave her all alone by herself, this is gonna break her so well done." She says as she walks away. And Jace is just as confused as Alec is about what Izzy was saying to her "Not sure what to say." Jace says shocked with his parabatai and Alec can tell because he was just as nervous to tell them all "How about, "None of this matters"? We have to stop Valentine." Alec says as he looks at Jace and Jace just shakes his head a little before looking Alec in the eyes "Finally. Something we agree on." He says and turns and walks away, Alec sighs for a minute before he walks off down one of the corridors heading back towards Eva when Robert approaches Alec.

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