Jace carried Eva to her room and tucks her into bed beside Bob and he notices how she has a frown on her face "what's up Eva? Why the long face?" He asks her and she sighs and looks up at him "I don't like my bed anymore, I like Alec's... plus it's scary in here at bedtime all alone." she said looking up at her big brother with big eyes begging him not to leave her there "Your being dramatic Eva, nothing will happen okay?" Jace says as he pulls up her covers and turns out the light before heading towards the door "Goodnight Eva." He says by the door as she goes to beg her brother once more "No! What if there's a scary demon!" She gets cut off by Jace closing the door leaving her in the darkness alone and afraid "under my bed?" She finishes before whimpering and lying down hugging Bob close to her she was scared and having bad flashbacks of the time she was in the boot of the car when the werewolves kidnapped them "I'm scared Bob, Alec would've never left me scared, he would've checked for scary demons that might eat me! And Jace didn't even read me a bedtime story or give me goodnight cuddles and kisses." Eva tells Bob who nods "Yeah! Jace just left us here!" Bob said and Eva just held him closer as she tried to sleep. Eva had been tossing and turning for over an hour and she still couldn't sleep so she tossed the covers off of her and slid onto the floor, she had her arms outstretched in front of her trying to feel for her door, Bob was in her left hand whilst her right was feeling around for the wall before she found it, she opened her door and began blinking quickly to adjust to the bright institute halls, she began walking towards Alec's room without even thinking about it, it was like a default thing, bad dream? Alec's room. Feel sick? Alec's room. Need a cuddle? Alec's room. She was still upset with her oldest brother and she was far too stubborn to forgive him but that she didn't mean that she didn't miss him like crazy. She sighed and headed to Izzy's room instead, she reached up on her tiptoes to reach the handle then she opened the door and saw Izzy reading a book in her bed when she looked up to see Eva standing there looking exhausted with Bob in her hand and bare feet on the floor. Izzy sat the book down and got out of bed to go and pick up Eva "What are you still doing up little miss?" Izzy asked her and she made a whining sound in the back of her throat "Jace didn't check under my bed for demons or read me a bedtime! And he didn't give me cuddles or kisses!" She said and Izzy laughed and nodded her head "What was he thinking?" Izzy says and Eva gives her a look "I know right!" Eva squeaked so Izzy carried her over to her bed and lay down with Eva lying on top of her "You can sleep with me tonight babe okay?" Izzy says as she kisses Eva's head, Eva nodded and cuddled closer to her sister leaning her head on Izzy's shoulder before Izzy reaches into a drawer in her bedside table and pulls out an old children's book that she bought a while back for Eva she opened the children's book and held it low enough that Eva could also see the book before she began reading it "It's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful." Izzy began reading from the book that was titled 'Matilda'.
It's the next morning and Eva is still with Izzy who is instructing the people for Alec and Lydia's wedding, Eva was now in a pink dress with a white ribbon around the middle. Eva couldn't have cared less about the wedding, she still didn't really know how to feel about Lydia, she was taking her Alec away... well not her Alec anymore and that fact made her even more sad about the whole thing, she felt a bit cranky because she had woken up a bit earlier than usual because everything that was happening in the institute. "Bring the flowers out to the wedding tent. Put the lilies up on the dais, and lay the rose petals at the entrance." Izzy instructs to one of the shadow hunters who was standing beside them as a woman carrying blue and gold drapings comes up to Izzy "Isabelle, which color do you like better? It's for the curtains adorning the wedding tent." she tells Izzy and Eva rolls her eyes and looks down at Bob in her hands shaking him up and down making his ears flap, "The cobalt blue. It's elegant, masculine... very Alec." Izzy says and Eva screws her face up "No it isn't." Eva says looking at her sister who shushes her as the woman nods at Izzy not having heard Eva's little comment "I'll put the cobalt blue out right away." she says as Jace walks up "How are we supposed to get any work done with all this going on?" he complains and Izzy glares at him "We haven't had a wedding here in years. People are allowed to be excited and you are in the bad books." Izzy says as Eva just walks off not wanting to talk to Jace, she wanders around before finding Hodge looking over some papers at a desk in the institute, she pulls over a spare chair and climbs onto it as Hodge looks up at her. "Hello Eva, what are you up to?" He asks the young lightwood who sighs "Avoiding Jace, Avoiding Alec." She started counting out on her fingers "Avoiding Clary but I do that most days anyway." Eva said making Hodge laugh "I see, well I am just following up on a lead before I have to go help the others figure out which warlock made Jocelyn's potion." Hodge said scratching his chin and that's when Eva noticed his ring on his hand "Did you buy a new ring Hodge?" Eva asks curiously and instantly Hodge's happy playful mood was gone. "No I didn't so don't mention it again, do you understand me?!" Hodge said almost angry and Eva was a little bit afraid of how Hodge was behaving "Yes." She said and Hodge nodded before his phone bleeped and he sighed before standing up "Come on that's Magnus here Eva." He tells her and she nods her head silently not wanting to make Hodge angry like that again because it was scary, he was always very patient with Eva no matter what she had done.

Little Lightwood
FanfictionEveryone knows about Alec and Izzy Lightwood from New York, and their adopted brother Jace Wayland, But no one knows of their little sister who stays with them in the New York institute, Evangeline Rosa Lightwood, her name means 'good angel', she ad...