I need you please! You can't leave me...

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Eva used all her strength to open the door to the hunters moon and as soon as she gets inside all eyes are on her, she notices Maia and breaks down completely as the werewolf puts down a glass she was drying and runs to the girl limping using a stick as a crutch "oh my god Eva!" Maia says picking the young girl up who starts sobbing, she keeps apologising over and over again "I'm so sorry." She keeps crying over and over again and she began shaking from how cold she was "Taito! Go grab a towel from the back." She calls at one of the other wolves who nods his head and goes to get a towel, he recognised the small girl by the charm in her hair and the flower by her ear, his goddaughter Gretel had told him all about the young girl and he was happy to help her but he was worried about Gretel as she had been taken by circle members right in front of him and he had heard that this small girl had also been with Valentine but not willingly, it was partly why Gretel had been so easy to take because the majority of the down world had been searching for this four year old and he couldn't wait to tell everyone that she was safe and at the hunters moon and now his number one priority was to find his goddaughter. Taito found a towel in the back of the bar and ran out to Maia with it and he saw the girl was holding the girl close trying to use her inhuman body heat to heat up the child that was shivering and sobbing our apologies, he saw that her back pack was on the counter and Maia was pacing in front of the bar beside the tables trying to soothe the poor child and he quickly handed over the towel but when Maia was wrapping it around Eva she touched the young girls leg making her scream and jerk away in pain "easy! Easy! Sit her on the counter." Taito tells her as the other wolves came over and he used a pair of scissors behind the bar to gently cut away the leg of her onesie and he saw the purple bruises and the swelling on her leg as well as the bone and he realised "her leg is broken." He said and one of the elder wolves stepped forward "you mean to tell me this poor baby walked here on a broken leg? Using that stick for support" She asked pointing at the stick on the floor and Eva kept sobbing and crying. "Hey kid calm down before your sick." Maia said to Eva and she shook her head still crying and Taito looked at her "Hey Eva I heard a lot about you from my goddaughter, she said that you were a lovely little girl so kind and caring for the down world." Taito tells her and she sniffles and looks at him "who is your goddaughter?" She asks and he smiled at her "her name is Gretel." And that sent Eva into hysterics as she remembered what just happened and everyone in the bar picked up that something had happened "I'm sorry! I-It was a-all m-m-my fau-fault." She sobs out and Maia looks at her "what was your fault Eva?" Maia asks her but the toddler just keeps sobbing "Eva what was your fault?" She repeats and Eva cries more "Gretel's d-dead, he-he killed her, right in front of m-me!" She sobbed screamed at the wolves and Taito took a step backwards falling into a chair as Maia covered her mouth choking on a cry of her own as the other wolves were shocked into silence and the only thing that could be heard was the sobs of the four year who was scared that the wolves were going to be angry at her. Eva had calmed down and now only had silent tears running down her face as the other wolves were getting over their shock "what happened?" Taito eventually asked her and she took a deep breath.

"Valentine had separated me from Jace and took me to chat... he spoke to me about my mommy not liking me or my daddy, before he said to me that I was going to lure down worlders out of wherever they were hiding and bring them to him and I said no I wouldn't let him hurt my friends and he... he said that I won't have a choice, either I help him or he'd kill my Jace, then he said he'd send his men to get my Alec and my Izzy, then Magnus or he said that maybe he should go and get that dog I was talking about, he was talking about Gretel and he said that he'll kill them all slowly and painfully whilst I watched it all happen," she says taking a deep breath as Taito watches her with tears running down his face and he nodded his head wanting her to continue "I felt sick but I didn't want to help him because I knew that more down worlders would be hurt if I did so I said no I wasn't going to help him and he sighed and said that he liked me, and that I had had guts... he said that I was the complete opposite of my parents. But he warned me that he hoped I knew that my decisions will have consequences and that they would be my fault. I didn't know that he was planing to go and hurt anyone that I cared for... it's all my fault I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She said hitting her head with her hand over and over again until Taito moved to grab her hands "hey, hey." He said with his voice breaking as he gently held her hands as she cried again "your not stupid, your just a scared little girl that thought she could protect everyone... no body blames you." He said and she nodded her head with her eyes letting out tears "there was a man on the ship... a mundane called Jeremy... he... he said that he wanted to be a shadow hunter because his father was killed by a monster... he said that a white wolf killed his father... so Valentine offered him revenge and he took it... Jace went with him to get the wolf not knowing it was Gretel and they brought her to the ship. I had said to him before he went that he can't do this! That it wasn't right! I said that you know that werewolves accidents happen, and that when there's full moons it's difficult for them and if your shifting for the first time that sometimes accidents happen" She said as her bottle lip began trembling again and Maia took a shaky breath as the little girl kept crying as Taito who was also crying rubbed her arms with his hands as he tried to keep calm "when I saw Gretel I started screaming and crying and Valentine smiled when he noticed Gretel he said there you are! There's only one last thing for you to do. Kill her he told his men and I ran quicker than I ever have to get there, NO! YOU CAN'T! I screamed and Jace stopped me from running to Gretel who was begging for her life
Jace said She can't hurt anybody here and I gave him a mean look because he had gone to get her in the first place and Valentine began making excuses with Jeremy about how she deserves it but Gretel said she'd done nothing wrong and I just wanted to hug her because I was scared and Jeremy said that a white wolf killed his father and Jace looked at Gretel That was you. You did that, didn't you? You murdered him, an innocent mundane. He said glaring at her before he pushed me to one of the men he held his blade towards Gretel and I screamed No it wasn't her! And even Gretel said No, I've never killed anyone. I swear. I'm telling the truth. Eva you have to believe me She said looking at me and I nodded me head because I knew she was telling the truth, thinks escalated and I shouted that her wolf was grey and no one listened and I released that Valentine was doing this to punish me for not helping him and Gretel said she had followed the Accords and she never hurt anyone that she was in Luke's pack but Valentine didn't care and Clary showed up snd Jace started fighting so he ordered Jeremy to... to... to kill Gretel so he stabbed her in the stomach and I screamed as Dot the warlock sent the man holding me into the wards on the side of the ship killing him and I ran to Gretel and looked at Jeremy as my flower opened and tore him to pieces before I put pressure on Gretel's wound and I said to her Please no... that I'm sorry! That it was all my fault, I should've done what he asked or maybe I shouldn't have spoke to him at all and none of it would've happened but she told me not to blame myself she said I was a special little girl and that the down world loved me and I was to use it, I tried to keep pressure on the cut she had as she kept talking to me she said I had a bigger family than I'll ever know..." Eva stopped to take a breath as all the wolves had tears rolling down their faces "she told me to stop she said that we both knew what was happening and she was crying, and I told her I loved her, I begged her, I didn't want her to... she said she loved me too and she asked me to tell her pack what happened and I nodded my head before crying into her chest sh told me it was going to be fine and that I would change the world, the last thing she said was my name before she... and then we had to go or we wouldn't have a chance to escape and then we jumped off the boat after Dot removed the wards and I hit the water too hard and hurt my leg. I woke up on the beach and found the stick and made my way here. It was so scary." She told all the wolves and Taito nodded his head wiping his tears before he bent down to look her in the eyes "your safe here kid, okay? We look after our own, he won't hurt you here. I promise... your one of us now cub." He told her and she nodded her head crying as Taito gently picked her up feeling over protective of the child now as he made a silent promise to Gretel that he would protect this little shadow hunter until the day that he died.

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