Saving an idiot in IKEA

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Felix groaned, turning off his phone. He promised Hyunjin that he'll rescue him, because if he didn't Hyunjin would probably spam him until morning. He didn't want to wake up with 100+ text messages. 

He rolled out of bed, nearly tripping in the process. He turned on the light, and noticed how he looked like a emaciated chicken in the morning. 

He combed his hair and changed into a set of black Adidas sweats. He groaned again, rubbing his eyes. It did occur to him that Hyunjin may try to kidnap him, but that at least meant no school. 

After nearly running into the open door, Felix quietly left the apartment building. He got into his car, contemplating his life decisions and nearly falling back asleep.

After a bit, he finally snapped back to life and backed out of the parking spot. It was a good 15 minute drive to the IKEA he worked at, and hopefully Hyunjin was in the one Felix was going to otherwise he would strangle Hyunjin. 

After what seemed like centuries, he pulled up on the IKEA. Felix got out of the car with his keys and phone, and texted Hyunjin that he was here. As Felix opened the front door, he braced for the worst. 

He was preparing to get kidnapped, or worse.

But he wasn't prepared to see this tall dude with his cell phone flashlight burning into the depths his soul.

 "OH JESUS!" Felix said with his accent, covering his face while his eyes adjusted to the light. "Oh fuck!" the guy which he assumed was Hyunjin said, pointing his cell phone away from Felix and checking on him, "You okay, Felix?"  

As soon as Felix's eyes adjusted to the sudden light, he muttered. "Yep, all good mate." Felix said, blinking his eyes. "Oh you're aussie!" Hyunjin gasped dramatically. 

"You just realized? Wow." Felix said with a playful shove, "At least you're not an old man." 

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "No old men here." he joked, "Anyways, thanks for saving me." 

 "You're ever so welcome." Felix said, "Let's go now." Hyunjin nodded, following the shorter man out of the building. Felix locked the door, and escorted Hyunjin to his car. "Don't kidnap me." Hyunjin whined. 

"Alright I can leave you in the parking lot." Felix said with a shrug. "Please don't." Hyunjin begged. Felix smirked. "I'm joking." 

They both got into the car. With the better lighting, Felix could properly see Hyunjin. He honestly was not expecting this drama queen to be this attractive. 

"What's your address?" Felix asked, breaking the silence. Hyunjin stared at him. "Um, why?" he asked, confused. "I'm driving you home dumbass." Felix reminded him. 

"Oh! Right. It's at 143 Ice Cream Street." Hyunjin said, and Felix typed in the address. To his shock and annoyance, the apartment was literally two blocks north of his. 

"You literally live like two streets away from me." Felix said, not sure if he felt happy or annoyed at the fact. "Oh really!? Then I can come over to your house whenever!" Hyunjin said excitedly, noticing Felix's home address and taking a picture.

"Please don't." Felix said, before backing out. "Can I stay over at your house for the night? It'll be fun and the other guys will be jealous!" Hyunjin asked. 

Felix hit his head on the steering wheel, making the car honk. "Alright fine. Just don't break anything." 

-----------------------time skip brought to you by jay why pee---------------------

As the guys entered Felix's apartment, Hyunjin instantly smelled something. 

Hyunjin snapped his head in the direction, and found a beautiful plate with a single brownie. 

"Don't. You. Dare." Felix said menacingly, realizing what Hyunjin planned on doing next.

Hyunjin scrambled over to the plate, yelling "MINE!!"

"NO!" Felix yelled, grabbing him. Hyunjin kicked him off. Just as he was about to grab it, Felix practically flew across the room and landed on top of Hyunjin.

The idiots wrestled, kicked, jumped and threw chairs for a while, until they both were exhausted. Then Hyunjin grabbed the brownie and shoveled the whole thing into his face. It would've been the best moment ever if it weren't for the terrifying look Felix was giving him. Hyunjin gulped.

Then suddenly, he burst into laughter. Hyunjin was very confused on why he wasn't dead yet. Then suddenly, a stupid grin smacked itself onto Hyunjin's face as well, and he started to laugh as well.

"That was so stupid, mate!" Felix said. Hyunjin was about to reply, when suddenly he started to choke on his own spit. He started to cough, and Felix watched with his mouth in an 'O' shape.

They stared at each other for a moment. Then they both started to laugh hysterically again. "This is the dumbest thing that happened all week. Ow, ow." Felix gasped. Hyunjin could barely breathe.

After they both recovered their wits, Felix started to clean up the kitchen that we messed up.

"I can't believe I actually had fun with with some crackhead I met three days ago." Felix mused as he picked up a shattered plate that he definitely didn't break over Hyunjin's forehead.

"I'm honored." Hyunjin said, clutching his heart dramatically. "Shut up." Felix said with an eye roll.

"I'm hurt." Hyunjin said. Felix snorted and rolled his eyes, but Hyunjin could tell he was trying not to smile. 

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