a pleasant sleepover

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requested by @superfleur6

7:36 PM

minho is daddy

asscrack: MINHOOO 

catgod: hmm? 

asscrack: IM BORED 

catgod: remind me again what that has to do with me? 


catgod: absolutely not!


catgod: wha-

catgod: omg fine get over here

asscrack: HORROR MOVIE?

catgod: fine by me, see you later 

asscrack: 🥰🥰🥰


Jisung walked up to the baker's house, holding a bag containing two medium sized pumpkins. Since it was October anyways, why not do some pumpkin carving? Halloween had technically begun on October 1st. 

Jisung waved hi to a cute black and white cat that was laying near the porch. It was kind of fat, which meant it probably had an owner and was well fed. It was probably one of Minho's cats.

Minho's house was a small but very cute house. The grass was mowed, the trees were covered in gorgeous bursts of orange and reds. There were well-trimmed lavender bushes lining the sidewalk on the way to the front porch. On the porch on either side of the front door, were large porcelain vases holding long flowers. 

So in conclusion, Minho's house was gorgeous.

It was nearly 8 o'clock, which was the time he and Minho agreed on. The sun was nearly down, making the sky look like a mixture of black and pink. 

Jisung knocked on the door. When no one answered, and he began pounding on it aggressively. 

The door suddenly swung open, knocking Jisung off balance and he nearly fell forward, and mentally slapped himself for not falling all the way. 

Because standing there was the hottest guy in South Korea. 

Minho was wearing black sweatpants that had an embroidered cat on it. Upon closer inspection, he realized the cat was shamelessly flipping him off. The baker was also wearing a matching over-sized t-shirt that was embroidered in a similar manner. 

Minho's wonderful fashion sense made Jisung feel very lame in his Spongebob t-shirt and adidas shorts. 

"You're here!" Minho said with a smile that caught Jisung off-guard. "Yep! Look what I brought!" Jisung said, showing off his beautiful pumpkins. Minho raised an eyebrow.

"For pumpkin pie?" Minho asked, confusion all over his face. "No, Minho. We're going to carve pumpkins!" Jisung announced, daring Minho to object. 

Minho shrugged. "Fine by me. I have knives which should be good for that. Now come in, idiot, it's getting dark out." Minho said, grabbing Jisung and yanking him inside. 

The inside of his house was just as nice as the outside. Everything looked organized and perfect, like a house out of HGTV. Not a speck of dust anywhere. 

"Nice house." Jisung said, admiring a small marble statue of Shrek. Minho muttered a small 'thanks', then suddenly his eyes lit up. 

Jisung yelped in protest when Minho dragged him over to the kitchen. For a second, his life flashed before his eyes. Was Minho going to airfry him!? 

"Jisung, meet my three cats! Soonie, Doongie, and Dori." Minho announced proudly, leaning down to pet one of the orangey ones. "I thought you had four?" Jisung questioned.

 Minho whipped his head towards the younger, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. The cat-lover slowly picked up a knife on the kitchen island. 

"I'm sorry! Soonie, Doongie, and Dori! Yep! I know their names and they're all beautiful!" Jisung said, pointing to each cat as he named them respectively. Minho smiled, putting the knife down. "Good." Minho said with a smug look on his face.

"Are you sure you don't have four though? I saw a fat cat outside and it probably belongs to someone." Jisung asked. 

"What?" Minho said, eyes widening a little.


Minho eyed Jisung suspiciously, but decided not to question it. "Place the pumpkins on the table, we can deal with them later." Minho said. Jisung placed the pumpkins on the table, making sure they wouldn't roll off or something. 

"Soo..." Minho said, open to suggestions. "Horror movie?" Jisung asked, excited. "Are you sure you won't get scared, squirrel?" Minho asked, a knowing look on his face. 

Jisung was too excited to even notice the nickname Minho gave him. "Nope! I won't get scared!" the younger said, running to the living room. Minho sighed and rolled his eyes teasingly, before following him. 


"WHAT IS THE CREATURE? IT'S SO UGLY!" Jisung screamed, hiding behind a large pillow. Minho snorted, smacking Jisung's arm. "That's literally the main character. The movie just started." the older said incredulously. 

Both boys were laying on the ground on top of a mountain of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals. Minho had prepared popcorn, which they were both munching on. 

Another human, this time a side character, popped up on the screen from a closet. Jisung screamed. "Not my fault it's ugly and a jumpscare!" was Jisung's protest after Minho slapped him once again. 

Finally, the interesting parts of the movie began. Jisung's intelligent commentary and Minho's responses went something like this; 

" That's the monster? It looks like an decaying old man." "Chan?"

"YASS EAT THE UGLY FUCKER!" "He's not dead. He's the main character, dumbass. He basically has plot armor." "Fuck"

"Oop, she died. Lol." "Yeah, she's dead."

"Did he just get shoved into a giant blender thing? Lol." "That was literally so dumb."

"NOO! That guy was hot!" "Considering he just got burned alive, he certainly is hot." ";-;"


Finally, after two long hours, the movie ended. "That movie was ass. The hottest guy died!" Jisung complained as he turned the TV off. "But the effects were decent." Minho pointed out, helping Jisung up off the floor. 

"The ending was so anti-climatic. And they didn't even kill the monster!" Jisung continued to complain. Minho sighed, but had a good natured look on his face. 

"Now, should we carve those pumpkins?" Minho asked the younger. Jisung's eyes lit up. "Yes! I'll get knives!" Jisung said happily, running to the kitchen. Minho followed after him, wondering how on Earth that squirrel has so much energy. 

Let's just say that the extremely peaceful pumpkin carving resulted in a broken table and unplanned pumpkin pie for desert. 


changbin and chan dancing to queencard 😍😍😍

hyunjin and lee know dancing to troublemaker 😍😍😍

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