the love expert

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October 21st 

Minho's POV

A lot of weird things happened in Minho's life. For instance, that one time he was added by an old man to a group chat full of hopeless morons.  

But it was very weird how one of those hopeless morons decided to call him at 6 in the morning for an unknown reason.

It was even weirder that the hopeless moron that called him turned out to be Hwang Hyunjin. 

Minho was startled awake by his ringtone. He groaned, picking up his phone to find out what brain-dead idiot would call him this early. He blinked in surprise when he noticed the caller ID. 

drama llama is calling...

Oh hell no. 

Minho turned off his phone and turned his body away from the nightstand, in a futile attempt to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, Hyunjin doesn't give up. Minho's ringtone once again fills the room. 

"Oh for crying out loud!" Minho grumbled, answering the phone. "Yes?" he said to the phone. 

"Minho! Um, hey. I need a little help. And I think you're the right person to ask. Are you available?" Hyunjin's voice spoke from the other end, sounding hopeful. 

No, I'm not. Minho thought groggily. "Yeah, sure. What's up?" Minho asked, trying to act like he definitely didn't just wake up. 

Minho heard Hyunjin clear his throat. "Minho...have you ever...I mean, like, did you ever..." Hyunjin said. Minho raised an eyebrow. 

"Did I ever what?" Minho asked, amused. 

"Have you ever met someone..." Hyunjin went again, trailing off. 

"Yes, Hyunjin. I have met people. Such a shocker, am I right?" Minho teased, though he was slightly confused. 

"No! I mean, have you ever met someone that makes you feel a certain way..." Hyunjin asked. The older boy went silent for a moment, confused.

"Um, Hyunjin, if you're feeling like, horny, then I don't know what-" 

"WHAT? Nooo, nope! I mean that there's...someone. Like whenever I'm around them, and only them, I feel short of breath, my hands are all sweaty, my heart starts beating really fast, and my face gets all hot." 

"Yes Hyunjin, you are hot." Minho joked. 

"I know I am. But like, seriously. Am I...allergic to them or something? Am I SICK? What should I do?" Hyunjin asked, panic in his voice. 


"Um, Minho? Are you alive?" Hyunjin's concerned voice asked. Little did Hyunjin know, Minho was cackling up a storm. 

"HAHAHAHA! Hyunjin, are you serious? You think you're allergic to them? Oh, please. You stupid dumbass! HAHAHAHA!" Minho wheezing, not believing what Hyunjin said. 

"Wha-huh? What do you mean! I feel sick around them! You're smart, what should I do?" Hyunjin protested. Minho snorted incredulously. "LoveSICK! You're in love, Hyunjin!" Minho yelled at his phone, before dissolving into cackles. 

Hyunjin's POV

"Lovesick! You're in love, Hyunjin!"

Minho's words spun like a merry-go-round in Hyunjin's brain.

You're in love.

No, he was not. He disliked the specific person he will not name, and that was a fact. But why did he always get so nervous around him? 

"Um, Minho. I am not in love with anyone." Hyunjin stammered, but Minho didn't seem to hear him from due to the older guy's loud cackles and wheezes. 

Suddenly, Minho went quiet with a small gasp. "It's Felix, isn't it?" Minho said. Hyunjin could practically see Minho's eyes widening.

"What? No, no! Definitely not! And that's none of your business!" Hyunjin protested. "So that's a yes!" Minho said, before wheezing loudly. "No!" Hyunjin shouted, his face getting all hot again. 

"Ah, shit. This is fucking beautiful! I knew it!" Minho laughed. "Okay, stop that! What should I do!" Hyunjin yelled, embarrassed. 

Suddenly, Minho went serious. "Hyunjin, I understand that you're just a teenager that still has to understand all this love garbage. But I can see that you really like Felix, and though he may not seem like it, Felix certainly likes you back. If you really love him...then go for it." 

"Okay...but how? I'll probably will mess it up." Hyunjin said, furrowing his eyebrows. "As stupid as you are, you're a good kid, Hyunjin. Just go over to his house, invite to the movies or something, and...ask him. You won't mess it up, I promise." Minho said firmly. 

Hyunjin cracked a smile, even though Minho's couldn't see it. "When did you get so nice all of a sudden?" Hyunjin laughed. "EXCUSE ME? I have always been nice!" Minho protested from the other end. 

Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Sure. You are such a bright and sunny person all the time!" he said sarcastically, "But seriously...thanks. I knew you were the right person to talk to. You're kind of like the scary but loving big brother I never had." 

"Oh...well you're the annoying younger sibling I never had." Minho said, feeling a bit touched. There was a moment of silence between the two. 

"Well, okay! It's like super early and I'm tired. If you call me again this early again you're going straight into the airfryer. Good luck!" Minho said. "Understood! Thank you, Minho. Oh and bye the way, you should take your own love advice sometime. You also need it." Hyunjin said, smirking a little. 

"Wait wha-"


Hyunjin still couldn't believe it. He flopped onto his bed, thinking.

 There was absolutely no way he liked Lee Felix, and there definitely wasn't a chance that they would actually end up together. 

But despite him denying it, he knew that there was a small part of him that believes it could happen.

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