the end of the world :D

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September 30 8:34 AM


Felly: guys we've been talking for a like a month we should totally meet up 😎

Meanho: fuck no jisung will propose to me 

dumbass: arent you guys already married?

Jisuck: we had our honeymoon at the bahamas

Meanho: no we didnt

Jisuck: it was so romantic <3 

Meanho: sometimes i look at you and want to punch you in the face <3

Jisuck: see he wants me

oldmanchan: we should meet up though tbh

seungtheman: what if yall are actually old men and i get kidnapped

Felly: i promise i am not an old man

seungtheman: that statement was directed mainly towards chan

oldmanchan: istg-

Felly: we could meet up at like a restaurant or something

pizzaslice: we really shouldn't

savagefetus: we would probably start a food fight and burn the building down

Jisuck: what about an amusement park? it's a lovely place to propose

Meanho: did we divorce or something. and no, i hate heights. lets go to a cat cafe!!!!

dumbass: no.

oldmanchan: as the leader and founder of this lovely fam i say we volunteer at the city garden!

seungtheman: if we do you'll break a hip grandpapa

Meanho: HAHAHA

Felly: something nature-y isn't a bad idea tbh

savagefetus: OOOH OOOH let's go on a nature hike!

dumbass: alr whatever baby innie says we'll do

savagefetus: im not baby innie fuck you

Meanho: ooo yay i get to murder everyone and hide the evidence

dumbass: should i be scared-?

Meanho: yes.

oldmanchan: okay everyone meet up at the big park in an hour

Meanho: okay fine ill be there after my shift is over


seungtheman: if i get kidnapped it's felix's fault, this was all his idea

Felly: you wont get kidnapped mate 

savagefetus: oh fuck you'll finally get a face reveal from me and seungmin

pizzaslice: YAYYYY 

dumbass: OMG OMG I CAN'T WAIT 

savagefetus: ugh 

Jisuck: as soon as we meet up, my beauty will incinerate you on the spot 

pizzaslice: you will be burnt alive from my hotness before that ever happens 

Jisuck: think again, moldy pepperoni pizza 

pizzaslice: ;-;

oldmanchan: okay kids let's just shut up and start to head for the park! 


dumbass: YASSS

seungtheman: i feel us idiots meeting up will lead to the end of the world 

savagefetus: Mehehehehehehehe


seungtheman: OKAY OKAY DAMN


end of the world will be updated tomorrow >:D

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