Chapter 3 -those eyes

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It's blazing, I think my melanin is dripping, the heat is suffocating, so much so it's sending my mind ablaze. What are those noises? They are too loud. What are they chanting?


Heat, strange languages, chants!?

Oh no, I'm in hell.

I thought I lived a good life, where I did I go wrong? I never got in trouble, except when I was speeding to get to work and flipped off an undercover cop for going to slow, I never lied, except that one time I needed to cut into the front of the line of the senior citizens pretending I was pregnant. I never did any sinful actions, except masturbate on God's green land for all his animals to see my wet aching folds. Sheesh, other people do worse why me?

A voice then came to my side, the aged Wine with a raspy echo that flowed through my ears and the wrinkle on his palm gave away an old man, probably seventy with a long beard. Wait, feel? I can feel. So, I'm alive. I survived? I must be in a hospital, trying to speak was pointless but I managed A groan to escape my lips, I can feel my heart in my ass when all noises seize.

Are hospitals ever quiet? Hearing some light tap of what assume are footsteps, I began to panic a little feeling body heat all around me, a cold chill runs up my spine realizing hands were feeling up my thighs directly on the skin; Calloused and rough. My body doesn't seem to be responding to the signals from my brain, but with one jerk of my legs I was able to squint my eyes open just a little. White, a pure white light. Jesus, I know hospitals have to beam the light right into their patients to see better but dang, people should sign a waiver stating.

'If you are admitted to any emergency room, just be aware there is high percentage you'll end up blind.'

Blinking repeatedly in and out until I get a clear vision, rocks? Where is the Ceiling? I'm looking up, but where is it? With my eyes glued above a face snuck its way into my vision, I'm frozen solid. I was right about it being an old man, but my descriptions were way off, he was completely hairless, no eyebrows, beard or nothing, the weight of the large gauges in his ear lobes drips his ear down to his shoulders, wide nose and porcelain skin with dusts of chalky residue, it's like staring at bald Peter Griffin in a thong.

He seems to be holding some type of brownish stick longer than his body, with his brown orbs he leans in closer to my face and I swallow the whimpers, a tear falls on the corner of my eye and he leaned in licking up the trail seductively; rough wet tongue met my skin, it was than The tears fell harder as I watch him chuckle, chipped baby teeth flash me making me sink in deeper onto whatever it is I am laying on. Strange, this bed is surprisingly hard and soft at the same time, incredibly warm and whatever it is behind my butt just kept growing and growing with each movement of my body.

Where the hell am I? And where is the man that saved me? Why am I not dead? I felt a draft on my body, but I'm scared to move under the lustful gaze of the old man above me. he stares at me for what felt like forever before finally making another move. I watch his hands stretch out almost reaching my face, I couldn't hold back my terror and cries anymore and began to panic.

"Akesa, suggta Akesa" a voice of power makes my heart go soft, though I hear the dominance in the feminine voice, but it also brought a sense of safety. The old man disappears above me angrily as he blew a breath, a small argument and the fact that I can't see makes me uneasy. With a scoff one of them leaves and it sounded masculine, Thank God.

I hear small patters; it sounds like bare feet coming towards me. Staring into the ceiling again patiently waiting to greet my savior from that pervert I felt my arm being lifted gently, my arm remained in the air for a while with one arm holding it up gently, as if being examined, out of the blue I felt the other arm smearing something gooey onto my open skin, gently and deeply and sticky was being placed on my arm.

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