Chapter 73- Spill.

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My fingers entangled with Rowans as we head inside Tanika's apartment, distinct conversations murmur in the room until they all stopped to look over to us. All their eyes survey the scene of me and Rowan brushing next to each other, while I couldn't help but beam the whole time.

"I'm wounded mi amore." Detective says as, he feigns hurt placing a hand over his heart. I hope now he can grasp that there won't be an us. 

The jungle man would literally kill him.

I shake my head, giggling lowly. All three were huddled around the dining table, drinks were being served, but yet one was missing. I scan the surrounding for the fourth, and there he sat on the couch. He sits lonely as the news plays on the television as he kept to himself, legs crossed and drink in front of him that didn't seem to be touched. The glass melting on the outside, sitting in its own puddle of condensation.

Feeling my glare, he turns to me, eyes glossed and faint red on his cheeks, the usual Irish jokes were no more, this was pain. Can't say I have ever seen him this way. 

I pull my fingers to untangle them from Rowan, sending him a soft smile of reassurance as I made my way to Jim.

My steps are cautious, I don't even know why, Jim is a teddy bear. But he has not yet grasped the news yet.  "I never thought the news would ever interest you, my friend." I nervously smile, surveying his every mood. 

Solemnly he shrugs to my attempt of a joke. Eyes intent on the television. The mood he exudes was gloomy the screen flips to all different types of disasters, rain for the next upcoming week or so.

"Looks like Ireland has some competition," I huffed, reminiscing the times where he would curse in his mother tongue about the blizzards and storms of New York. Constantly spouting to me how he moved away from Ireland for this exact reason, he would walk in, and his hair would be sticking upwards and frozen from the icy temperature.

It made my day, his comedic nature. His struggles at navigating life just like me. My soft giggles suddenly felt one sided, I tighten my lips to the glare of his eyes as he whipped his head to me, oh fuck did I say something offensive? god-danget Jane, there you go making shit worse. 

"Uh -uh I didn't mean - it's just that we made jokes ab-about this before and -"

"It's alright Jane, I get what you meant it's just-just I'm not in the mood tonight, aye?"

That was the first time he ever said my name so grimly, I didn't expect him too. Especially not for what he is about to hear. I take time to study his side profile as Jim turns his attention to the television; no family, no kids, taking a big leap from Ireland to America. New York at that. And he managed to become manager of a popular grocery store in the short span of time, bonuses and an alright salary. He did alright for himself, I have no doubt he be alright once he kicks the cunt to the curb, even if he hates me forever.

"Oh my gosh." 

I blink away from Jim's side profile to look back at everyone, all eyes glued to the television, mixed expressions of shock and anger. 

Somewhere near the state was a flood, "Turn it up."

We watch in silence as news anchor Informs us of a deadly flood, a little town six hours away from us. 

"Isn't that the same town that got flooded all those years back?" I hear Tanika say. 

"Yea, I think it is. They had a very bad flood like a long time ago, I heard about it" Alex announces to the room. "Since than it has been a place everyone avoided, they say it's cursed."

The statement peaked everyone's interest as we all twist our heads to the source. But just as we turn heads back to the source the screen flips, people fleeing America for the dangerously high Inflation soaring through the sky. Wildfires and hail.

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