Chapter 69 - Sow.

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Something feathery glides across my cheek, Shit, no not bed bugs again. Im slapping away the pest until my wrist was caught in a grip.

"It's alright, it's me." A baritone voice of a man, velvet and rich.

I peel my eyes open to a handsome face, blue orbs stare back at me lovingly. The sun beams the side of his face enhancing his features and eye color. "OH!" I jerk forward pulling off the covers wrap around our bodies, "Uh did we?"

"No, we didn't" he smiles, "I would never indulge in something without the woman's consent."

He says that but I look down to my body and his, we were both in our underwear under a blanket.

"Your clothes are neatly folded and steamed in our laundry downstairs, My maids are the ones that changed you while I ended the party."

Shit, the party. Jane, my mom.

"Don't worry. My friend took yours home, he seems very fond of her."

My Jane, alone with that man? "Uh, thank you but I do need to go and -" I try to get up but suddenly felt nauseous my vision doubles blurring out.

"Don't get up to soon, you might open the stitches."

I furrow my brows, "Stitches?"

"While changing you my maids informed me your head had several open gashes, like nail marks. I called over our private Dr. and he did an X-ray, it looks like you were pretty beaten coming here you had some broken bones."

"Uh - I told you, I fell down the stairs."

"Did the stairs also grab you by the hair? You had some bald patches."

The more I spoke, the deeper the hole I was digging. But silence is also an answer. "I was mugged earlier by a couple of -"

"Now don't you go lying to me, you came here with Jane correct? she is completely unscathed." his eyes took a dark turn. "Never lie to me again."

I gulped thickly.

"Now, I am going to ask you. How did you get those marks and broken bones?" The blue of his eyes were intimidating and I wanted to shrink and yet they had an effect, with just an inhale everything I held down from my chest erupted like lava. From my early childhood years, to my late father, to my now broken and abusive mother, only good thing being is Jane. Intently he listened, eyes darkening to everything that has happened more solely watching the tears glide down my face.

My mother was never the same since my father's death, fell into a deep depression. So severe she developed memory issues, the last thing she remembered before my father's death was a destructive thunderstorm hence why now she lives with PTSD's to anything loud. No job, nothing but the government check that we used to get by but with inflation it was only enough to keep our super run down apartment, never enough for food and sometimes no electricity.

Finally being of age I was able to get a part time job, and the school providing us with food packages we were able to eat regularly, I used half of my checks that were barely even five hundred dollars to get by and keep the lights on while simultaneously getting her expensive medications that only lasted a week before she was back to her abusive nature.

"I am exhausted." I sob. "I miss her, I miss him. I am just losing everyone."

As much as she beat me nearly half to death, she was all I have in this world. But I couldn't handle any more, another day of praying she wouldn't spit in my face or throw hot water on me. I was at the ledge but meeting Jane made me step down, someone who genuinely cared, who valued me and never strayed. Had it not been meeting her that day I would have let the darkness win put the knife to my heart finally ending the pain.

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