Chapter 32 - A new

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Unconsciously Rowan scoots closer into my body from behind, his slumber is so peaceful I worry he isn't even breathing, he is different from every other man I have been with, than again I haven't been with any other jungle men. I expected a snoring bear, yet his silence matched the nights. He is resting soundly, the warm air from his nose blows onto the top of my scalp, soft rise and fall of his chest massages my back side gently moving me like a boat on a calm stream.

I Just want to turn around and look at his peaceful state, the night came quick, all that anxiety was overcome by a well-deserved exhaustion, this is the part of the chapters in books where the main female character finally lets it all in, she soaks in the calm before it all goes dark. I deserved a much-needed rest from everything, finally allow myself the time to let my eyes close under the cool AC, in a soft bed, with the man of my dreams behind me, for once in my life let my head clear and be like the main character.

If only it were that easy, Rowans arm lays lifelessly around my waist, breathing or moving was impossible, does he not know his own strength? My phone has not stopped buzzing since the moment I published those chapters. The anxiety I thought I lost swarmed in an instant coming down hard like a rainstorm, it got harder and harder to not sandwich my head in between the pillow and bed hoping it would suffocate me, --and plus rowan would feel me moving and wake up--.

'Face everything head on' Tanika's last words before leaving yesterday plays like a broken record, though it wasn't enough for the whole feeling to go away it slightly eased the tension from every buzz from my phone. I see now where Tanika stands, I didn't even know how important this was to her, now I get why she is pushing so hard. I'm convinced now - finally - who the real problem is, I wouldn't even have known of Cameron's existence hadn't it been for Philip.

I can already feel the next chapters in my life is only going to be tougher than the last, I still had to come together with Tanika soon to meet up with detective - I quickly ceased my thinking when rowan shifts behind me scooting in closer, I nearly passed out from the tightness of his arm around my waist, can he hear my thoughts? I'm terrified to continue. Dare I not even look at his number with Rowan near me, I could just delete it, but he is one of the good guys that gave me a promise. My phone buzzed again for what seemed like the zillionth time, I winced at another thought, of all days I could have done this why is it the morning I am supposed to be going to church? Not just any church, The Church.

It feels more of a cult.

I'm terrified to even open the Wattpad app but it's now or never, the attempt came and went, while reaching forewords to my device Rowan felt my movements groaned then pull me back, my whole body snuggled under his while he dips his head into my hair.

A deep groggy voice makes its way into my ear canal "Move again and I'll fuck you" accented coated broken English, did my ears deceive me? "W-what?" just as I asked, I felt his breathing steady again, soft even breaths tickle my neck. Did he just fall back asleep?

My heart rams in my chest, where is he getting these words? Does he even know what he means? My pussy licks painfully from the sweet threat, but I don't even think I can manage another round with this man, all I can do now is listen for the first time but make no mistake in my mind I'm dancing the salsa.

I'm awakened by the sound of my phone buzzing loudly, stops and continues, gasping the air I was deprived of from Rowans inhumanely Ironed arm around my waist, peering to the side he was gone. I'm tempted to look for him when I hear the sink running in the bathroom, he's still here with me, Thank God.

"I'm sorry I overslept" I spew in my native tongue.

"Don't lie, you knew you had something planned today, if it was nonsense like going out with your friends you would have woken up on time" she spats, today is the day, church.

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