Chapter 26 - You.

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"I was Just on Wattpad and guess what I didn't see, new updates, what the hell" the sarcasm evident, unless she meant it to be a lame one.

rolling my eyes to the statement "Justine, you are on a retreat, why are you waiting for updates right now?"

Lowering her voice "I mean when I left you with that Sex on a stick of a man, I was hoping he'd cream your pussy dry daily."

Though she isn't on speaker I pulled the phone away from my ear looking around the store "Justine, omg could you please not bring that up."

"Why does it make you hot? would that make you wet? Is he near you?"

Staring into space, Dear Lord, do I tell her his grandmother kind of practically forbad me from seeing her Grandson again, and since then I haven't heard a peep from him, and yet it's strange, it's like I can feel him watching me.

"Jane, come back to earth." oh shoot when did I leave.

Shaking my head "Sorry I zoned out."

"Has everything been, ok? I mean anyone has anything bothered you?"

I was ready to answer when my mother placed a dress in front of me.

"This would look beautiful on you curves, or how about this one" Like a cartoon character pulling out random objects from their pockets, my mother had layers of dresses tucked behind one another.

"I don't know mom just p-"

"Go try this one on." she interrupted before walking away.

"Where are you?" I can feel her face scrunching through the phone.

"At the mall with my mom, she wanted to go to church this weekend."

"You don't mean-"

Before she could even finish, I knew already what she meant "Yep" I sighed defeatedly.

I hear shuffling on her end of the line and her voice became clear, "Doesn't she know -"

"How do I tell her? I have thought of many ways to get out of it, but she is dead panned on going, why? I have no fucking clue" I whispered.

"Why did you say yes in the first place?".

"Ummm", I paused looking into nothing while the memory of Rowans tongue licking my pussy like dripping ice cream play through my mind in broken scenes, 'Yes, oh my gosh, yes', "Uh I wouldn't say I gave her a direct answer."

"Babe you should have been clearer than that, oh boy" I can practically see her pinching her nose.

Justine I would have loved to have told my mother going to that church was a idea worse than hell, but I was too busy getting tongue fucked by a Greek God to fathom any words, is what I wanted to say. "I will try to get out of it" Is what I really said.

"If I have to cut this trip short than -"

"Please enjoy your trip I promise I will be fine."

Though reluctant she sighs "alright, is everything ok? Your safe and getting home fine".

I walked up through the store feeling every cloth between my fingertips when I caught a whiff of a scent, coconut? No? This was an expensive brand, I've smelt it before, a memory came in than "Yes, I am, in fact I met one of my readers yesterday."

"Oh what? No way"

"Yes, it was a guy and a hot one at that".

"Oh, tell me more."

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