Chapter 75 - Transpire.

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Narrators P.O.V

Two years has passed since he last heard from Aya, in fact he learned that she has resigned and moved away. Jim spent a few months heart broken, until he started to put himself back out there and heal properly with time.

"The guy was an ass." Jane mewls as she slumps behind the counter. "He could have come out to say goodbye to me but instead hid in a tree."

Jim chuckles, shrugging his shoulders as he looked at the prices of the new dandelions. "Could anyone be worse than Kevin?"

"I guess you're right." he heard her faint voice.

"You guess?"

She chuckles, "Your right."

Gripping the flowerpot in his hand, Jim strides over towards a defeated Jane behind the counter, unable to keep his smile at bay. He watched as Jane observes his crisp attire and the coif of his red hair before she flutters her lashes in a playful way, but then gazes down to the scars on her arm and winces.

"Have you taken medication for that?" he asks. Cringing deeply as if he was the one with the deep gashes.

Her already shrouding frame sunk even lower and she was hesitant to look down to the arm.

"Jane, you know you can always talk to me about this. This isn't something you can heal from mentally."

She sighs deeply. A winded tension can be heard as Jane groaned. "Not yet." She only spews, a lining of tears beginning to brim her lids.

Jim furrows his brows at her demeanor. Her puffy cheeks and swollen eyes. Sensing there was more than just the scar that caused her great sorrow. She was obviously not the same Jane she was before she went to Germany, but he can put his life savings to that it was her snake of a roommate that has done something to her. 

"New date?" she says as she breaks a smile with a faint.

"Mehh, something like that." He only shrugs keeping the excitement bottled in, but he knew he can never get past Jnae, not after twelve months of them becoming friends. In fact, his only friend. 

Twelve months have soon passed since he has now become a frequent visitor in Janes flower shop, and for those months he navigated towards a more friendly approach and saw them better as friends. They had more in common, and sucked balls in the dating field. And within that time frame, he discovers a lot with Jane. Clumsy, stubborn but pure. 

He still questions to this day, how is it she opened up a business when she has proven to be below average at math. A question best for another time. 

"Who is she?" Jane questions just as he tuned back to reality. 

He clears his throat. "I don't want to jinx this one." Was his only response, his blood bolting through his veins in excitement to finally meet the dark-haired woman from the app.

"Aya never ..." Jane was hesitant to finish her sentence as she scans the items, knowing she will open old wounds but wanted to double check if he has gone backwards.

Though the sound of her name stills his heart, Jim clears the gravel in his throat. "I have moved on. I wish her the best. And besides she could not handle this fire headed leprechaun.

Jane attempts not to cringe, she has gotten used to Jim making every Irish joke, and it always settled the mood. Spearing any silence that would ever thicken the atmosphere whenever either one was in distress about another failed date. 

Anticipation spirals in Janes eyes, he can almost see her pupil widening to find out more information, considering this was the third date he has had with this woman, and it was her that initiated today's plan. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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