Chapter 64 - Mysteries

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First things first, where the hell is Detective Jukebox? Getting to the bottom of this starts with him. How the hell does everyone know him? I can feel the puzzle pieces scattering in my brain, so far I have the players but what is the purpose of the game.

With careful discretion I kept to myself entering through the patio. All eyes on me and my every move before I awkwardly smiled to divert the attention from me, thankfully they smiled back proceeding to their work.

Didn't the bell ring? Where is everyone? Crap, did I just become the person showing up earlier than everyone.

The feel of fingers brushed on my arm; soft, warm, gentle and tiny. I looked down to her, The little woman with the tiny voice box. Hard to believe a sweet woman like her has worked for this family for eons and have not gone mad. I met them yesterday and secretly planned the colors of their coffins in my mind, she smiled at me hooking her arm into mine before saying something whispery - like.

"Huh? I'm sorry?"

She spoke again, softly. Very, very softly. By this point my ear canal was touching her lips.

"She says where would you like to sit?" A sudden thick masculine voice made my bones shake. There the butler was, standing in all white attire with black gloves, strands of his hair coifed gelled backwards.

"Oh, uh - I'm sorry I just couldn't hear her she speaks very low." The woman's demeanor changed, like a turtle hiding in it's shell the once calm and welcoming energy the woman displayed was gone, leaving behind a feel of discomfort and fear. The man clearly couldn't read the room, instead he wrapped his arm around her shoulder gently leading her away from me.

Regaining his standing, his chin rose high, arms at his side "I have told you before Ms.Jane, it is a work in progress."

The woman is above fifty and it is still a work in progress? "Uh, alright I just wanted to listen clearly since she doesn't speak loud enough."

"That is why we love her, why else would she talk loud?"

"So people could hear her?"

"If you Will excuse me Madam I must prep the garments" He dusts off his hands and adjusts his collar. "Enjoy" he smiles disappearing from my sight. I wonder what his coffin would look like?

On cue steps are heard descending down the staircase, in flesh and bone there was the man I searched for. Attire of all black with his mocha hair coiffed backwards. Noticing my eager expression he quickly nodded and looked away, not here Jane, duh. Just behind him came The elder woman herself, adjusting Jim's watch. By Looking at her I felt an overwhelming sensation, she isn't the same to me anymore. Whatever I held on to as simple elderly woman with a superiority complex but now that died, her eyes than found mine, brows softening at my glare, her words from earlier play back in my ears like a nagging fly.

Her face will forever be embedded in my heart for pure hatred. I looked at her once and thought sultry and smooth now it's gone. Disintegrated into ashes, only one word fits her perfectly.

Murderer. Cold blooded, murderer.

Jim stepped in between us blocking my view of her, A deep forest color in my vision but my eyes were distant locked beyond. "I love the natural hair look, little clover." He tried to reach and touch it but quickly retracted his hands knowing better. The sight of his middle button struggling to keep his clothes together became apparent from the blur.

I blink away to look at the forest green attire, Like a Leprechaun Jim wore an all green suit with a sweater vest, hair brushed neatly backwards with a trimmed beard. The only contrast to the suffocating colors was the white dress shirt underneath.

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