Chapter 10 - Its ...

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Heading back out the front I'm greeted by one of my regulars, Jim, wrinkled suit and day-old jeans clearly worn out from being in the closet for far too long, Cheap perfume makes my nose burn as he stood there with flowers in hands like an allegiance.

Eyeing him up and down playfully "New Date?" I laugh coming around.

"No, the same one, I think she actually likes me this one Aye." Irish coated accent flows out of him with heart shaped eyes, Mr. Jim was just like me once upon a time, A hopeless romantic.

Hell at this point I am ready to go marry myself.

Luck seemed to have picked him in the jar of misery. Mr. Jim has been seeing this woman for over two years now, after rejection after rejection and dates just not working out the 5'4 man hit the gold at the end of the rainbow.

A part of me will miss the times he would come just to release the stress of how he'll die alone he always knew it was too late for kids, so his fate was settled. Nowadays I barely even see him anymore, this is the first time in months.

"Ohh, when is the wedding?" I teased.

"We're too old for that, but you're invited to the courthouse as my guest". He teased back, yet a part of me felt as though he wasn't.

"I'm so proud of you, when are you going to bring the lovely lady by? I haven't met her; you haven't even told me much about her".

"Il keep you hear for the longest time." he smugly says cocking his head to the side.

"What's the difference from before?" I reply crossing my hands expectantly.

"Mmm alright you convinced me" I could never get enough of his Irish accent, after living in New York for more than 40 years he would have adapted to the slang and accent of a New Yorker by now but quite the opposite.

"Intelligent is the first word that comes to mind, adventurous, her background was really questionable I'll say the least." his eyes look up the ceiling behind me staring into space questioning something's through his mind.

Intrigued by the statement "Why so?"

"You could say she is really into cosplaying; she likes to pretend she is from one of those, what do you call it- uhhh -

His phone than rang Just as he was ready to talk the door opens and two customers walked in, the wind blows in flying right through Mr. Jim, his scent entered my nose as I was turning to greet the customers, all of my moves halted, and I found myself sniffing the air around me until they lead back to Jim who was struggling to slide his phone to answer.

"Hey, uh Jim where did you ge-"

"Hang on one second" he barely spoke with one thick finger in the air while he slowly walked away, I nodded with my brows furrowed eyeing him curiously up and dad to something familiar.

That scent? where have I smelled it before, what was it? Mint? no, there is more to it, something stronger, Fuck what was that?

"Excuse me where are the 'Tiger-lilies' said the one of the women that walked in, lips are redder than red as she smiles at me cheerily.


snapping out of the thought, "Oh, they are right behind you I say to the women, flashing her pearly whites at me once more before she turns around gracefully; Inky black hair swings around until they land flatly on her backside swaying left and right with every slow strut.

Lilies? Mint? where have I smelled that before? an annoyance washed through me at my incapability to remember the scent, why was it so important, I shouldn't be giving myself a hard time about it -- I promised myself no more self-hate, in fact if I can't remember it, than it wasn't even important to begin with--. However, the raging of my beating heart said otherwise.

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