Chapter 29 - lurking

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He stares from me across the room monitoring my every move, "Thank you, have a good day." I say to the man that was trying to hold a conversation with me, Even smiling at him will get me bent over again in the back and rammed until unconsciousness.

Last night was brutal, so brutal I needed help getting around and ready. Was this Rowan's jealousy? He seems to have turned this way after seeing me and detective playboy, but after tossing my naked body in the air all over the house I was sure of One thing.

Rowan's jealous side scared me more than whatever I was going through, so bad I want to explain to him why it won't be the last time he sees 'Detective dick monitor' in fact it's with him that I could get those bullies to come off me. Justine cut her trip short and will be coming home by this Monday, perfect I think telling her first before I publish these chapters would do some good.

The house though, is a wreck, broken glass and cum stains.

The store today has been busy, but with Rowan in here with me not a single worry flowed through my veins. Seeing his sweet side return I figured maybe now is a better time to approach him, a little vengeful chore from last night "Hey, could you please count the flowers in the back, just in case if I need to order anymore." Whether he understood me or not didn't matter, he seems to read body language and signals well, that and plus staring at me ninety percent of the time observing my every move was rather helpful, that's why he quickly learned everything I taught him in thirty minutes.

Dark eye's deadpan on me before he suspiciously turns to the store, following his gaze I'm caught off guard seeing a young woman near the roses typing away, how did I not see her? A young brown skin woman with dark hair standing at my height if not taller, her eyes on her phone as if she's reading something, Rowan stares at her before turning towards me, kisses my forehead and disappears to the back with the clipboard, when did he grab that?

Glancing at the young woman once more her head moved towards the left letting me catch her side profile, cute button nose with plump lips, are those her real lashes? Her body firm yet thick in all the right places, -I need to go back to the gym -.

Staring at the young woman gave me some new update ideas, Man at this point I'm just typing what I see. Staring at the draft chapters I hear the soft patters of feminine feet, glancing upwards at the woman made me smile, it's been a while since I was around a woman that looked like me, Elizabeth popped into my mind with the thought, wonder how she's doing. Studying those features she was even more beautiful up close, even with a stoic expression her eyes were soft, a feminine version of the man in the back but with Afrocentric features and much shorter, -- ok that was a horrible comparison.

Removing her black hoodie "Is There something on my face?" A giggle threatening to rip, her voice clear and euphonic, so she's friendly thank goodness, I wouldn't be surprised though it's New York, the city at that. The nicest thing you could get here is if someone flips you off in their car after saying good morning.

"No, sorry I thought you were coming to ask me a question."

"Girl, you know what I was but then I kind of forgot right when I opened my mouth."

"That literally happens to me all the time" I laughed, smiling she returned to her phone turning around to the first aisle of Dandelions.

Going back to my editing the door clicks open, "Hell -" I don't get to finish before my blood turned cold, colder than ice, so cold my body discreetly shook violently once I looked into those green eyes.

His voice dark and deep "Hell? Is that our next destination?" Cameron says. I thought after nearly getting mauled by a mountain lion I was ready for many things in my life, but facing death in the face again, I just wasn't ready.

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