Chapter 34 - Devils lair 2.

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While I kept stealing glances at the clock My feet tap away simultaneously, Dear Lord, I do love you and respect your authority, but this church needs to end like ... yesterday. Of all the attention I could have by anyone, it must be by my sworn enemy. His eyes only seem to darken deadpanning on me and my every move smirking at my failed attempt to remain still, Damn my jitteriness.

Does he know? Is he onto me? If not, why hasn't he said anything.

"We have come to the time of Collections." somehow the speakers were loud enough, the preachers raspy voice made way through my canal helping me pull my eyes away, Collections? Collections From the people? What happened to the so-called Archangels that have paved the way with their millions? They payed half a million for a cross, and they are collecting? No way anyone will actually -

"Jane hurry up and put five dollars the basket is next to you." my mother whispers in our native tongue nearly hissing into my ear. My head snaps to the right of me when a cologne flows into my nose, a pale complexion decorated with thick green veins at the bottom of his hand with a gold ring around his middle finger, he cups a gold bowl filled with hundred-dollar bills. Did they just?

Digging a folded bill into my hand "Hurry up everyone is looking, at least act rich" she practically slithered, Side eying my mother's statement I understand the predicament I am in even though most of my attention tries to divert away from the man high and far away from me, it would be better not to bring forth any more attention, and plus it's not my money is what I kept reciting to not go mad as I placed the money in the bowl.

"And now brothers and sisters, it is time for a few words from the young chosen one himself."

I winced from the noise of the man behind me cheering way too loudly, "Thank you everyone, thank you." over the microphone his voice deeper and even more assertive. "Your hard work is what you should be cheering for, I am nothing."

For the first time he says something I can agree with. He stood so tall; the light was stolen by his eyes emphasizing the dark orbs glossing them up to an HD effect, as much as I want to divert my attention away, he is all can see and hear ... Literally. "As you all are aware a fellow member and a dear friend of mine has been attacked recently" his eyes found mine, my heart fell to ass hol- (Clears throat seeing the cross) Dang I can't even think about cuss words.

"Him and his date were alone behind the alley of my mini restaurant, and some Criminal attacked him", my eyes widened, no way is he speaking about -

"What kind of world are we living in? Where defending your date and your attacked and arrested?" Cameron huffs in fanning hurt. My chest Is heaving violently, His eyes never left mine, but he occasionally glanced around to not bring attention, the night I got hurt he is using the crooked cops to defend himself, why is he not telling the truth? These cops wouldn't utter a peep if Cameron were to stab someone in broad daylight. He is still holding up the act but why?

"He was wrongfully arrested as his attacker still roams free." I heard the booing of everyone behind me.

"This society is messed up." a voice from afar screamed.

"I bet you it's one of those illegals" a feminine voice on the other side.

"Why do they keep coming here to cause trouble?" the elderly woman with the pink blouse says.

Cameron says nothing, standing there amusingly with a half smirk as he Stares at me, waiting for me to screw up, hold me still Lord, please hold me still. A Masculine man with a confederate flag hat abruptly stands "We should just go on a hunting spree to those poverty homes and just arrest and shoot them down." The crowd began whistling and cheering.

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