Chapter 24 - Lone wolf.

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"Have you eaten? Did you take your medicine?" My mother speaks assertively in our Native tongue, is it a Caribbean thing where the more you try to sound genuine ... you sound more and more like a Cunt? 

"Y-y-yes M-mom" biting my tongue to not let my voice expose my current situation, if my staggering breaths have not done so already.

Catching on to my broken sentences "What's Wrong with you" she asks genuinely.

I gripped the couch when Rowan's tongue flattened against my clit at the same time his fingers curved to my G spot, "Nothing" I breathed rolling my eyes to ready to cry from this feeling.

"Am I going to see you at church this Sunday?"

"Ah." Shoot, that one slipped out. Peering down at the scene I felt my pussy clench swallowing Rowan's finger, his dark blue eyes are already locked into mine while his white coated fingers dig in and out of me. "Yes" I scream when he plunged his tongue into me, screaming too loudly for my mother to mistake that as her answer.

Before she ended the line, I hear the cheery tone in her voice "Good, and make sure you dress pretty, so you can get a church boy." Before I could clear the misunderstanding I was met with three beeps of the line ending, Dammit I opened another portal to hell, church wouldn't be a problem hadn't it been where Cameron's parents were the bishops of. You could almost call them a simple normal married couple from how professional and kind they were to everyone of the sanctuary, They do well keeping up their façade I'll give them that, I have never seen them personally outside of church to uncover the real characters despite all the blogs and reports about them, though everyone is rendered blind to the truth, the news don't lie -.

Did I really just say that?

Of all churches in every block, she chose this one and this one alone, I'll give her props, surrounded by the most powerful beings on the planet and the men aren't half bad looking themselves.

"Ahh" as if he heard my thoughts the man with his tongue in between my legs began to plunge in and out of me deeper, harder and faster. Even on a treadmill I am able to gather my breath and handle my wobbly legs. It has been three days since Justine's departure, using the alone time I had I tried to show Rowan some "Wattpad boyfriend aesthetics."

Rowan turned into an Animal right before my eyes. Each aesthetic from the wall slam to pinning me against the wall ended with me bent over.

Thanks to his insatiable hunger, one half my panties and clothes are ripped to shreds, two I was Fucked so thoroughly it cleared my head enough to write at least 12 chapters, though I have not submitted any yet, it was a a piece of mind having my writers block and anxiety cleared.

"Rowan, oh Rowan, ahhh Rowan" he growls in response to the sound of his name being sung from me and plunged deeper and deeper until pussy clenched and expelled liquid harshly from my body into his face, he doesn't budge or flinch away, in fact gently closing his eyes while opening his mouth smirkingly with his tongue stuck all the way out, moaning to the liquid falling on his tongue.

Oh my word, I've said this once and I'll repeat until I get answers, Just where is he learning all of this.

My abdomen pulls painfully from the amount of water involuntarily flowing from me with force, my legs wobble with greatness, bones aching from the wide spread of my legs being held down for too long.

"Schokolade" I heard from beneath, the deep baritone to his warm breath against my slippery clit re awakened my nerves, and yet here I am complaining about his appetite.

The water finally receded letting me greedily catch small breaths, it was like having the hiccups. Lazily Able to peel my eyes open I watch his figure rise, through my hooded gaze I caught him lowering his sweat pants until the angry python leaped from its confinement pointing directly towards me, maybe it was a state of me being high off pleasure and want but the Organ appeared appetizing.

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