Chapter 71 - Gestation.

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I'm awoken by the sound of distant conversation, eyes instantly meeting a bright beam above me and a sharp pain slices through my brain.

"Mmm" I groaned raising my arm to soothe my closed eyelids when I winced to the feeling of something cold. Come to think of it, I'm cold all over, and whatever I'm laying on feels rough.

Oh no, is this the afterlife? Couldn't be, I can still feel.

"Jane are you alright?" A soothing tone comes beside me before another one joins in.

"Yes," I groaned, comprehension kicking in faster than I thought.
"Yea Tanika I'm fine." I breathed grabbing her hand beside me to gently squeeze.

"Your hands are so cold are you ok" I stated, squeezing a bit firmer to the skeletal texture. "And manly Tanika what the hell?"

"Uh Jane I'm right here," The familiar voice speaks on my left and I peel my eyes to Tanika, and her sister, Backs planted to the wall as they glared at me sympathetically before looking at the figure beside me.

"Living in Arizona does that to a lady" The figure says beside me. A southern accent. It kicked in then and I whipped my head to the familiar redhead with my hand wrapped around hers.

Retracting my fingers as quick as lightning, "I am so-"

"Don't you go apologizing now, I've dealt with labor patients and they about tore my arm off."

Nervously I chuckle as another nurse comes around for vital signs.

Leaning my head back on the pillow looking up to the fluorescent lights and black dotted ceiling. I inhaled deeply, still trying to come back from the clouds, "What happened?"

"You fainted honey, you just blacked out, we swung in time to catch you or your head could have been splattered." Alex approached, gently touching my forehead.

"I fainted?" The rhythm of my heart started picking up the deeper I dived into my memories, the last thing I remembered was a video and ... "My mom!" I nearly screeched.

Tanika sprang up to me, holding down my shoulders, "It's ok! Honey relax, detective is with her now, she wasn't in the house when it happened."

A tear glided down my cheek, "Really?" I sniffled. Heart monitor steadying irregularly.

"Yes, we promise, they are heading to the station under witness protection, however Rowan is on his way, detective alerted him and he is coming with a man named Jim?"

My heart leaped to the sound of Rowan, the offbeat caught Alex's reaction as she turned to my now pulsing heart rate. "I take it this Rowan is very important to you," she cheesed.

It's a good thing she can't see how red I am turning.

The sound of A clicking flashlight pulls my attention, "Alright darling, sit up for me, take a look at my finger." It was all too familiar, a feeling of deja vu rains down up me, as much as I hated hospitals there I was again, with the same two nurses but different people beside me.

Through time the old leaves rot to sprout new ones, I casually glanced around my surroundings, there they were, my new leaves. A part of me was still pained not seeing Justine, but she made her decision and that decision was my blessing.

"Hmmmm." I hear through my thoughts.

My brows furrow, its never good hearing something like from hospitals. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing sweetie, I am just going to run over some tests alright?"

Tanika steps in, "What tests if you don't mind me asking?" her eyes quizzical deadpanning. on the nurse brunette hair.

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