Chapter 60 - intentional.

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The drive back home is all silent but that of detective's hand tightening around the steering wheel occasionally. For some odd reason I couldn't help the feeling it was my fault, this was supposed to be a night of no distractions but somehow the jungle man has me on radar and showed up ... with his crew? As much as I wanted to believe I'm the reason behind it, it just didn't add up. I never sent anyone any messages especially not to that blonde lizard.

Never The less he came, and he wasn't happy. I winced. "I -I'm sorry." I hope he heard me the first time because I don't want my voice being the icebreaker. Dark Intense eye contact focused out in the clear road, but with a deep sigh I watched his shoulders free a heavy burden.

"I get it OK; I ruin everything. I swear I didn't know he was going to show up or even be around." I can feel tears bringing when he didn't acknowledge me, did I just ruin months' worth of his plans? I never thought I'd be sad not hearing his obnoxious comments or his failed attempts at me. First Rowan, now him? The two men working hard to catch every bullet thrown at me.

I felt a tear drop fall when I suddenly watched him make a call. My ear drums nearly shattered from the ringing through his speakers, when sitting in a car you're not familiar with you can never predict the circumstances, if you sit in the backseat, you'll freeze from the A.C. or blown away by the open windows. But when you're up front, yea ... say hello to hearing aids. After four rings came a man's voice, soft yet deep as if precarious of his surroundings.

"Jonathan sir."

"Stage one complete, assemble team to the estate by midnight and keep the Mantis in holding until I arrive."

"Yes sir." The line ends, Tanika scoots in before both are eyes lock on question.

"Stage one?" I sniffled.

"Coneja" he chuckled. "There is nothing worth spilling tears over. In fact, if anyone needs to shed a tear, it is me for how grateful I am in this particular moment." He speaks in one breath focused on the road.

"Y-you are?"

"Despite my efforts, I never made it this far." Thick breathy accent.

"You make it sound like you finally got in the club." Tanika laughed. I get it, leave it up to Virgos to find light in every tunnel. I chuckle.

Catching onto the pun he shrugged with a smirk "Some might say yes. All the way in."

"So tonight, wasn't ruined?" A peak of sunlight in my darkest storm.

"Not even close Coneja, in fact you're bringing me right to the source." I never thought I'd be happy to have him peer over to me with a gentle smile. That's one down, but I had another one to go.

The conversation rested in silence but there was still a twist in my gut. "I-I'm sorry about Rowan, I swear I didn't call him or anything. I know just how important this night was so having him anywhere near me wouldn't work."

"Do not worry about that Mama, I believe you."

The dark clouds were clearing but there were still unanswered questions. "Really? thank you, I just don't know how he found me."

"Yea cause Man's came right on time. I finally put a face to his grandma. She's Not what I expected, the way you described her was rude, but she seems different."

"She really is horrible, or at least to me. She had this entitled attitude with her when I went over for dinner, almost like claiming a superiority." Somehow me and Tanika ended up diving deeper into the topic, putting pieces to a puzzle we didn't know were arranging.

"A trait like that and she finally found people higher," Tanika laughs at the irony "But why would she put her head down? Especially To Cameron and his people? Shouldn't she try and fit in?"

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