Chapter 33- Devils lair 1.

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Inhaling the Vanilla essence of the burning candles that lined up like Dominoes, my ears tingle from the keys of the piano that plays softly setting the mood for the praying guests scattered around like polka dots.

Peering her head up from her prayer position "Head down and pray right now, at least act like you want to be here" my mother nearly slithers in our native tongue.

Discreetly rolling my eyes "I could but won't that be lying?"

"But disobeying your mother is worse, keep it up."

Swallowing my comeback once I looked at her dark expression, I was too smart for that, never anger Haitian Mothers, no matter where you are in public, they won't hesitate to remind you who is the Alpha. Leaning my body towards the back end of the front row seats I folded my arms getting ready to start a prayer or fall asleep.

Glancing around for the Final time my eyes dart to every aesthetic and paintings of angels and Devils on the windows of the church. Fascinated by the rich décor of the Leonardo paintings, the noon sunlight beams onto the top of the church darkening the orange red hue, removing my feet from those God awful heals my toes dug into the red fuzzy carpet.

Leave it up to Cameron's family to always donate to everything but the people in need, this church was like a millionaire's ball room where everyone would be in a suit and gown with those animal masks that would soon turn into a murder mystery -That should be a good book to tap into, but I'm sure has already had a zillion books written about it like werewolf books--.

Everything screamed fancy from the cloud foamed carpet that swallow my feet, the unbreakable plastic of the Leather couches long enough to measure a python to the 500k gold encrusted Cross that stands high in the middle of the top stairs almost blocking way of the preacher behind the, whatever that thing is called.

Hadn't it been for the Holy Mother Mary painting displayed on the tall glass behind the where the bishops sat, I would have honestly mistaken the place for a cult, isn't church supposed to be welcoming of all colors? Yet this one was dark red and gloomy. The more and more I peered around, the corners of the place seemed to be nothing but mere shadows. Matters seemed to worsen once my instinct picked up a feeling, dread.

Was someone watching me? Just my like of this creepy church, I quickly apologized to the Lord silently once I looked back at the cross.

Burying my head within my folded arms, 'How does this work?' I think to myself. 'I just close my eyes and speak right?'.

So lost in my thoughts on how to speak with the Lord almighty my ears picked up soft snoring next to me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, had this been me it would have played out way differently. Where do I even begin? He already knows all my past and future screw ups so why bother? Though I do need to thank him formally, Multiple different occasions could have ended up in death, but he just keeps sending Rowan to do my Guardian angel's job.

'Actually Lord, Is Rowan and me compatible?'

'Why does my heartbeat so much, I can barely breathe when he is near.'

'My world is out of control and only you can fix it, will Justine hate me? Have I now placed a mark on my back forever? If so, how do I remove it? Who is on my side? And who is my enemy? Just as I finished those sentences, I immediately thought of Rowans grandmother and a sudden chill ran down my spine, I knew than what to fully say.

'Dear lord' I say in my mind closing my eyes digging my toes into the foam, "Only you can see what the future holds, I am only human, the mistakes I make will be out of the human nature of curiosity, I mean no harm and I am far too stupid to not think twice about anything before taking action, but through it all, please protect me and those that seek the best of me."

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