Chapter 14 - darker days.

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Warning; Nonconsensual touching

"Kev - Kevin h - ho-" my body trembles, an unbearable heat burns me at every angle, one from the deadly glare of my ex-boyfriend and the other from someone behind me, despite the situation I am in, that feeling didn't seem to disappear, someone is watching me, and they are overpowering the monster in front of me.

"I bet you have a swirl of questions don't you" The crisp of his voice pull me back with a slight jump, he doesn't fail to hide his amusement.

"But first things first I'd like to apologize on your dates behalf, he said he had better things to attend to and said to take great care of your bod- I mean you" he laughs, I felt my heart rip open, Cameron? Since when did he know Cameron? and ... Better things to attend to?

"You didn't need to hear that last part, but back to the real importance at hand, your questions" he cocks his head to the side amusingly squinting his almond eyes to the point they disappeared.

"Th-the Ju-"

"Oh, that's right, why I'm here, near you Eh?" He leaned back rolling up his sleeves, I wince from watching the action, too many women it's the sexiest thing to watch, but to me they were a sign to run, hide, or cry, I hated them, in fact anything attractive he ever does bring chills down my spine.

I wait quietly, shivering in fear and the cold that word itself around my body, my mind spirals out of control with questions, I nearly emptied out my bank account and sold every valuable possession I ever had getting the best lawyer that worked tirelessly to solve my case. I won at the end of the day, but now I feel like a complete loser.

"A friend of yours came to me, we had a decent conversation and I told him how much I missed you," sarcasm at a full time high while he playfully rolls his eyes.


"You could thank your friend for me, he pulled some strings".

"Friend?" I whisper, ready to cry.

"Cameron, was it" he says playfully cocking his head to the side holding back a laugh.

I felt my universe being sucked into a black hole, the sweet oxygen my lungs have gradually breathed vanquished entirely from my system, I'm blank. Not a peep, not a sound, not even a blink, I could hear my failing heartbeat in my ear drums, I could feel it beating slower and slower every time my mind replays the words. Cameron indeed is a rich man, the whole world knows of his family's wealth and power, they are Europe's most powerful family, and they have everything they need or want, the whole system in the states is already jacked, it only runs for those who have money, and Cameron's bank account was Unlimited.

He leans into my view helping me blink out of my state of shock, I wished he didn't, then I could pass out by the lack of oxygen. "Now that that's been put out in the open," his eyes darkened to a void of darkness, defying the odds of a human possessing such color, "we have a lot to catch up on BABE, tell me all about it."

I inwardly winced from the word, it brings a distaste to my mouth, and I almost found myself vomiting.

"Were ready to order here, can you people do your job?" Kevin raised his hand in the air to signal the brunette waiter, I flinched when he raised his hand, shaking, catching on to the act he chuckles darkly, eyes on me until the dark-haired waiter arrives. I turn to look at my surrounding searching for any exit or safety, I hear him order his usual, math is definitely not my strongest ... anything ... yet, there I was estimating and drawing equations and diagrams, I needed to remove my self from him, from this scene, carefully I kept glancing back at him while he spoke to the waiter and glanced back at the distance from the door, nothing else mattered to me at the moment, not even that feeling that never left the nape of my neck.

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