Chapter 13 - Paranoia

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"Are you almost done?" I muffle with my eyes closed.

"No, hold still" Justine says, tapping something on my lips.

"Justine, I am going to be late; I giggle." Do I even care?

"Can I ask you a question."

Suddenly I felt a slight panic, "sure."

"Is he the one you're writing about?" I can feel her curiosity from the softening of her voice, a genuine question.

"No," scrunching my brows.

"Nothing wrong with it, I just wished I knew." Her hurt is evident, yet she hides it in a giggle.

My eyes fly open, staring into hers "Justine, I promise, you will be the first to know everything, he is not the character of book I am writing about, hell in all honesty I forgot all about him since that night." I muster deadpanned on her face.

With a slight smile she relaxed, " Ok, ok now hush, we are almost done, you look amazing". She squealed continuing to tap whatever she was in my lips. "You know you don't need to close your eyes, right?"

Flinging them open "Yea I know".

I wish I didn't have to lie to my best friend and roommate, but I couldn't trust Rowan one hundred percent after disappearing like that, it's like I was used, I want to hate him, but my heart refuses to get the memo.

"aaaaand done." She squeals pressing the cotton my lip a little harder. I watch her back away cheering as she claps her hands wildly, we do have an inner fan girl in us all don't we?

Haven't worn makeup since Middle school, not that I looked horrible I just wished I knew the first thing about it and applied the foundation that is supposed to match my complexion and not the other way around. Blowing out a breath I prep myself to see just how new my face is this time. I

"Oh ... My g-"

"You love it?"

I am too flabbergasted to even speak, who is this woman staring back at me, wow, I was always skeptical of people doing my makeup considering last time they painted me as a clown, my mental blockage refused to allow anyone near my face ever aga Justine has always done a superior job with her makeup I figured why not, I don't regret it.

The blending was everything, Matte red lipstick with a faded black outline, Cat lashes bringing out the almond shape of my eyes, the glittery glow on my cheekbones, I look just ... Hollywood, not overly layered, just right.

"Let's braid the hair down in two rolls and release the ends at the back, kind of like a ponytail." Justine adds on playing with the puff of my hair, her face stuck in a deciding emotion.

My heart nearly fell to my anus at the with the statement, the last time Justine braided my hair I swore I felt my brain being tugged, I could even close my eyes fully, let alone blink, 'Pain is beauty' would be her montage to try and get me to relax under her deadly grip, yet she would always be right, I would look a whole different person to everyone including myself, I did say I want to start a new.

I can feel my eyes disappearing at the bottom of my eyes, the top of Sclera is drying out, Jesus what a grip, Justines fingers dig and pull my tight curls braiding down roughly while collecting the loose ones from the scalp. When will it end? who am I doing this for ... Cameron? A slight annoyance waved through me, everyone does deserve a second chance, yet something within my gut just refuses to settle to the thought.

"Done" I hear the excitement above me with a sudden draft as she taps away simultaneously clapping her hands and silently thanked the Lord her hands were away from me. At last, the moment has come to see the final touches. My eyes on Justine the entire time while she sends me a Chesire cat like smile just by seeing her reaction tells me everything I need to know.

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