All Things Open [part 1]

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The boys and I are close, but Niall is my best friend. He knows of my true feelings toward Harry.

"Big date?" Louis asks Harry as he walks down the stairs, all dressed up. He looks so handsome, my heart starts to race at the sight of him.

"I'm taking Sarah out," he smiles cheekily at us. The boys and I are hanging out at Louis' and Harry's flat. My heart breaks at the mention of her name. "Y/N, can you come help me for a second?"

I take a shaky breath and glance at Niall.

"She can't she's making me a sandwich!" he shouts at Harry, giving me a sad/apologetic look.

"No she's not. She's sat right there on the couch," Harry says, stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Well I was just about to ask her," Niall says. I stand up and ruffle his hair as I pass, then follow Harry up to his room.

"I'm not sure what tie I should wear," he says walking to his open closet.

"You're not really a tie person," I turn him around so he's facing me, unbutton his shirt a bit and straighten his jacket. I take a step back and look at my work. He looks amazing, his shirt is unbuttoned about halfway so you can see half of the butterfly tattoo on his chest. His straight jacket gives him a sharp, classy look, even paired with the black skinny jeans with holes in the knees.

"There you go," I say softly. He glances at himself in the mirror and smirks.

"How do I look?" he winks at me.

"Gorgeous darling," I use a fake english accent to hide my shaky voice.

"Thanks love," he hugs me tightly then walks toward the door. "I'll see you later."

He winks at me again then makes his way down the stairs. The smile I was faking falls as I hear the boys wish him luck and the door open and close. A single tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away and hear a knock on the door. Looking up, I see Niall standing in the doorway wearing a solemn expression.

"I'm fine," I smile, though my heart is shattered on the floor.

"I know you're not," he walks over and pulls me into a Horan hug. The tears start coming and I silently sob into his shoulder. We stay like that for who knows how long, it feels like hours but I know it's barely minutes.

"Y/N!" Louis calls up the stairs. "Are you really making Niall a sandwich because I want one!"

"I wish you would just tell him," Niall mumbles into my skin. "I hate to see you like this."

"Y/N," Louis' voice is closer now. I move so my arms are wrapped around Niall's torso and bury my face in his chest. "What are you doing up here?"

Niall wraps his arms around my neck and head, holding me tightly to him, as Louis walks into the room.

"What's the matter?" he asks, seeing Niall and I wrapped in each others arms.

"Nothing," my voice is muffles by Niall's body. He kisses the top of my head as I pull away. "I'm coming."

Louis narrows his eyes at me.

"You've cried," he observes. I glance in Harry's mirror and see my mascara running a bit, my eyes pink.

"No," I fix myself up, wiping the mascara and tears on my jeans. "I just had something in my eye."

"A tear," he says sassily.

"I could poison you," I retort, pushing past him and going down the stairs to the kitchen. My mind wanders as I make the sandwiches, wondering what he is doing right now, with her. Another tear slides down my cheek and I leave it there.

"Y/N are you okay?" Zayn asks. He is in the kitchen getting a glass of water and heard me sniffle.

"Uh, yeah," I quickly wipe the tears away. "Just the onions."

"You're not cutting onion," he observes.

"Bloody hell what are you the onion police," I snap and he steps back, giving me a wide eyed, pouty expression.

"I'm sorry babe. Come here," I open my arms. He walks into my embrace and hugs me tightly.

"Tell me what's got you down," he says in my ear.

"I'm fine, really," I step away and give him a fake smile. Luckily Niall is the only one who can tell my fake smiles from my real ones.

"Okay," he sighs and leans forward, kissing my forehead.

"Did you want a sandwich?" I ask before he leaves the room.

"I'm good, thanks," he flashes me a smile then walks into the living room. I take several deep breaths and calm my mind and emotions.

"Liam did you want a sandwich?" I ask poking my head out the door to look at him. He is glued to the game he is playing with Zayn on the Xbox. Niall and Louis are talking quietly in the corner.

"I'm good thanks love," Liam hollers. I turn back into the kitchen and finish the two sandwiches, then put the stuff away and take them out to the boys. Silence rings throughout the apartment as I sit on the couch between Liam and Zayn. Louis takes a seat on the chair and Niall sits on the other side of Zayn.

"Y/N," Niall says softly, his voice a hinting a question coming on.

"Because Niall," I say, anticipating what he is going to ask.

"Give me one good reason," he says setting his sandwich on the table, untouched. Everyone looks from the sandwich to him then to me; he means business.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you," I look away from him and at the paused tv.

"Everything you are feeling right now," his tone is harsh and serious.

"I love him," I say looking at Niall. "I love Harry with my whole entire being and nothing will change that. I feel like nothing will ever fix the hole where my heart used to be. Every time he talks about how amazing she is and how happy he is with her my heart shatters even more and it's in so many pieces there is no possible way to find them all. He's happy and what I feel doesn't matter as long as he is happy. Why would I ruin his life, what he believes is the real thing, just so I'm not broken inside. I'll be okay. My heart will heal itself and it might not be the same without him but I'll move on and he will be happy. That is all that matters. And that is why I'm not telling Harry I'm madly in love with him."

The silence that rings throughout the room is deafening and the tension is palpable.

"So please drop it," I steal the controller from Liam and push play, ignoring the looks the boys are giving me.

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