The Question

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I get out of the shower and start to get dressed for the day. I wanted to look really nice because Harry and I were going to spend the day together. We hadn't had a lot of alone time in a while because he was always busy with work, but today he promised we would spend the whole day together, just us. I have the perfect outfit in mind, I put on a bra and jeans but I can't find the shirt I want to wear.

    "Babe." I shout making my way down stairs. "Have you seen my plaid shirt the one with the-" I stop dead in my tracks at the bottom of the stairs. Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn are all standing in the living room of our house. They all turn and look at me and after a few seconds of initial shock,  I turn around and run up the stairs. I try to not freak out at the fact that they all just saw me in my underwear, I mean they've seen me in a bikini and that is pretty much the same thing. I throw on a t-shirt and walk back downstairs, deciding to act as natural and calm as possible.

    "Hey guys." I say when I see that they are still there. "Sorry about that I didn't think anyone was here."

    "It's fine." Zayn answers smiling at me.

    " So what's going on?" I ask hoping that mine and Harry's plans aren't spoiled.

    "They just stopped by to grab something." Harry answers quickly.

    "Okay weirdo." I say going over to the guest room to see if my shirt is in there. "Any way have you see my shirt? The blue and red plaid button up one."

    "I haven't. Did you look in the laundry room?" He answers. I go over to the laundry room and find it hanging over the dryer.

    "Found it." I say walking back into the living room. "Are we still on for today?" I ask a bit worried.

    "Of course love." Harry kisses me.

    "Okay." I smile at him then go back upstairs to finish getting ready. Ten minutes later I hear the front door shut and Harry comes upstairs.

    "I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe they saw me." I yell from the bathroom where I'm doing my hair. I hear Harry laughing in the other room.

    "Don't worry about it babe. They've seen you in a swim suit, that's pretty much the same thing." He says trying to make me feel better.

    "I know but still." I walk into our room. Harry is turned away from me so I go up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. "I love you."

    He turns around in my arms, "I love you." He kisses me.

    We spend the day doing all the things we said we would do but never got the chance. We go to museums and just walk around London enjoying each others company and talking about everything there is to talk about. Harry tells me we have reservations for dinner later so we go back to the house and get ready.

    "Wow." Harry says as I come down the stairs to where he is waiting for me. " You look beautiful."

    I'm wearing a simple, black, sleeveless, short, ball gown dress, with a sweetheart neckline, and red pumps. I blush looking up at him and smiling, "Thank you."

    We eat then go for a walk and end up at the London Eye.

    "Let's take a ride." Harry says to me. I smile up at him nodding my excitement. We get on and the ride starts to go.

    "This is lovely. Thank you." I cuddle up to him. He puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head.

    "Y/N." He says when the Ferris wheel stops at the top. "We have been together for a year a half, and I don't ever want to be apart from you. I love you so much and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." He pauses, and my heart starts pounding out of my chest while he reaches in pocket and pulls out a Tiffany box.

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