Arrested [part 2]

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"I didn't know you were a boxer, Y/N," Liam says after we are finished eating and Louis and I are cleaning up.

"Yeah," she nods. "I did a little when I was in college."

"Can you show me what you got?" he asks.

"Absolutely," she says excitedly.

"Your gloves are in the office," McCoy says and Y/N gets up and runs to the office grabbing her gloves and the trainer gloves.

"Nothing to the face," Liam says as he and Niall move the furniture to make some room.

"Just duck," she says sassily. "If you're really good you can dodge um as good as you can give 'em."

"Wow you're feisty today," Liam laughs, slipping on the training gloves. "I like it."

"Are you ready?" Y/N is doing the boxer shuffle as Louis and I walk into the room.

"Be gentle with him Y/N," I say before they start. "We have an interview in a couple days."

"Yes dear," she replies in a sweet tone. She hits Liam's glove in a swift and precise move.

"I taught that girl some moves," she comments while ducking a swipe Liam made at her.

"What ones did you teach her?" I ask at the same time McCoy asks, "What girl?"

"Y/N made a friend while she was doing time," Louis comments, taking a seat on the couch.

"Nothing too serious," she jabs quicker and harder at Liam's hands. "Not even like boxing moves, just some confidence boosters. I taught her one where you kick him hard in the shin and when he bends over you bring your knee up to his face."

"That one proved useful back in the day," McCoy comments.

"McCoy," Y/N chuckles distractedly and Liam slaps her upside the head.

"You're supposed to duck love," Liam laughs and Y/N looks at him then glances me with a fire in her eyes.

"Be careful with him love," I say as she turns back to Liam, jabbing quicker, almost getting him in the face.

"The face," he shouts at her.

"I knew you could duck," she teases seriously. The room falls silent as we watch them, Y/N jabs a couple times then steps one foot forward, sliding the other one behind her and she goes to uppercut Liam in the stomach. He barely dodges it, swiping her hand away.

"You almost got me," he chuckles. "That one would have hurt."

"I'm just getting started," she gives him a devilish smile. "I taught her that one too."

"That girl isn't strong enough to do that move," Niall says observing Y/N's technique carefully.

"It's not about strength ..." Y/N starts up again. "Mostly. It all depends on how you use your body weight."

"Show us what you did to that girl," Louis says loudly and Y/N stops, ducking as Liam swipes at her again.

"McCoy come here please," Y/N calls to her, taking her gloves off and dropping them on the ground. McCoy stands up and walks over to Y/N as Liam takes a seat.

"So I jabbed her like this," Y/N jabs at McCoy's face. McCoy doesn't even blink, just stands there, perfectly still. "Then I grabbed her hair and brought her head down and my knee up."

Y/N pushes McCoy's head down and brings up her knee so it looks like they will make contact. "And that broke her nose. Then I put her in a headlock."

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