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For harrysxkitty  All the love. xx

Harry tugs harder on my hand, pulling me swiftly down the steps of his childhood home and to the rain covered street.

"Harry," I groan. "You pulling on my arm is not going to make me go faster. It's only going to rip my arm from its socket."

"Lexi," he whines, turning and tugging on my hand like a child. I chuckle and continue my slow walk toward the street.

It had just finished raining and Harry said we had to go outside. He got all dressed up in green rain boots, several jackets and a scarf, throwing similar items at me then racing out the door.

Once we get to the street, he looks over the stream flowing down it, and the pot holes that are now filled with water, with glee. Letting go of my hand, he charges the water and jumps as hard as he can in one of the puddles. The water splashes up and he looks up at me with a bright, eager smile. I chuckle and roll my eyes, walking over to him. We jump from puddle to puddle, splashing water everywhere while skipping down the street.

"Lexi! Watch me!" Harry shouts from one puddle over.

"I'm watching love," I chuckle, watching my 20 year old boyfriend splash around in a deep puddle. He is such a dork, I couldn't love him more. He looks so adorable, like a little kid's imaginary friend. I pull out my phone and video him, snapping pictures as well. He's so cute, I don't know how I got so lucky.

"Lexi!" he huffs, stomping his foot in the puddle. "Stop playing on your phone and come play with me."

"You are not the boss of me," I sass, stopping the video and locking my phone.

"Yes I am," he shouts at me again.

Damn I love him.

"No!" I shout back. He takes a menacing step toward me and I shriek and take off running. Loud footfalls on the asphalt, tell me that he is chasing after me. I race off to the field by the river and hide behind a tree.

"You can't hide from me!" he shouts and I hold my hand over my mouth to muffle my giggles. I keep my face hidden in the tree, hoping he finds me, but with difficulty. After what feels like forever a pair of arms wraps around my waist and pulls me away from the tree. "Gottcha!"

"No!" I giggle/shout as he drags me out to the field. I wrestle, not very hard, to get away from him, causing us to fall on the ground. He climbs on top of me, straddling my waist and pinning my wrists above my head. His eyes glance next to the right of me and a devilish smirk forms on his face. "What? Don't make that face while you're sitting on top of me."

"Apologize right now," he says, leaning closer to me. "Or I'll push your face in this mud."

I look to the right and gasp when I see a muddy patch in the grass. Looking back up at him, I see the mischievous and evil glint in his eye. "You wouldn't."

"Oh I would," he counters in a rough voice. I buck my hips to try to get away from him, twisting and turning my body every which way. He only grins deeper and pulls one hand away, dipping it in the mud.

"HarrynopleasenoHarryIloveyoupleasedon'tdothis," I beg.

"Too late," he says and runs his fingers down my face. I gasp, feeling the cold substance being spread on my skin.

"Oh it is on Styles," I grumble and spin out from under him.

I grab and handful of mud and hurl it at him, hitting him square in the chest. He gasps and looks down at the mud, then looks up at me, a playful fire in his eyes. "You are so going to get it."

He grabs some mud in his hand and flings it at me. A mud war starts, both of us running around the field flinging mud at each other. After a while we're both covered from head to toe and Harry ran off to hide behind a tree. I grab a handful of mud and sneak around the grassy field. I hear him giggle when I get closer and turn my head to see his face buried in a tree. I tiptoe over and pinch his bum, he jumps and turns around, looking at me with wide eyes. I shove the mud in his face, spreading it all over.

"Lex!" he shouts at me, wiping mud from his eyes. I giggle as he glares at me and scream when he grabs my waist before I can run away. "Kiss me."

"No!" I shout, pushing his face away.

"If you don't kiss me right now," he threatens, pulling my hands away from his face. "I'll throw you in the river."

"That's a creek," I comment and he growls, making me laugh. He swiftly flips us over, pinning my arms above my head and pushing my body into the tree with his. His sweet breathe his my face, fanning over my lips as he leans in.

"Kiss me," he breaths slowly, his voice deep. I shake my head, a smirk on my lips.

He growls deep in his throat pushes his lips hard onto mine. I chuckle against his mouth, making him growl again and push his body farther into mine. I remain still, not moving my lips with his, only making him angrier. I love when he's angry. He starts yelling and he gets this ... just this fire in his eyes, it's incredibly hot.

Harry moves from my lips, that are now covered in mud, and kisses down my neck, rubbing his mud covered face over mine. He goes back up to my lips and I decide to give him what he wants, kissing his lips deeply.

"Ew there's mud in my mouth," I say against his lips.

"That's what you get," he responds, biting my lip harshly. I whimper than giggle, kissing his lips once more. He grabs my hips and pulls me away from the tree and tighter against him. "Jump."

I do as told and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He holds my thighs, right next to my bum. I lay my head on his shoulder, pressing soft kisses to his neck.

"We're gonna go home, take a nice warm shower, then have a cuppa," he says, walking away from the creek.

"Together?" I ask, looking up at him with a smirk. "In your mum's house?"

"That's what I was thinking, yeah," he smirks, leaning down and kissing my lips. "You just have to be really quiet."

"Harry!" I shout, laughing slightly.

"Alright, you can be as loud as you want," he chuckles, a wicked grin on his lips. "Your screams encourage me more so ..."

"You're unbelievable," I shake my head at him, slightly turned on by his words.

"My mum can just deal with it," he ignores me.

"Yup, unbelievable," I restate.

"You love me," he smiles cheekily.

"Always," I smile at him brightly. He stops walking and leans down, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips before continuing the walk to his mum's house. There's never a dull moment with this boy, and I love every single one of them.


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