Best Friends Sister

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For Cupcakeprincess210 All the love. K.

"Kiersten Holly Payne!" Karen Payne barked at her youngest. Kiersten turned off her stereo with a sigh and stood up from her bed. She always gets in trouble, even if she didn't do it. Nicola was the smart one, and Ruth was the funny one, and Liam, well don't even get her started on Liam. He's worshiped in this family, never gets in trouble for anything. Even when he's out at all hours of the night, drinking and doing the maker knows what. He plays a confused/innocent role, and pouts his lip to get out of punishments.

Though they are both in sixth form, Kiersten being only a year younger, in year 12, Liam is treated like royalty. The year 13, and his four stupid friends are always over, making messes and being noisy. Then her mum makes her clean up their mess, like she has nothing better to do. She tries her hardest in school, gets decent grades, but nothing she does will ever live up to the standards Liam has built.

Kiersten descends the stairs and walks past the living room and into the kitchen. She sees her mother, sitting at the kitchen table with a paper placed neatly in front of her. Kiersten takes a seat across from her mum and sits in silence, preparing for the tongue lashing she was going to get. She knows exactly what this was about. Stupid Tommy Jacobson, harassing her all the time, trying to get a reaction. Well this time it worked. Just yesterday, she was sitting silently in Science class, like the good little student she is, when Tommy, who by a matter of unfortunate chance became her lab partner, sat next to her. Now usually she ignores him, but that day, Tommy was being relentlessly unpleasant. All through class he would brush his hand on her bare thigh, and shove his pen under the hem of her skirt. She remained calm and scooted away, put once his fingers decided to drift under her skirt and to the inside of her legs, she lost it. She stood up abruptly and punched him right in the nose, just like Liam had taught her.

"Do you know what this is?" Karen gestures to the paper on the table, her eyes never leaving her daughters. She doesn't wait for an answer, just continues in her rant. "It's a letter from the principle saying you broke someone's nose today."

Kiersten remains silent as her mum starts her lecture. She nods silently, listening to the fluctuations in her mother's tone and volume. After around an hour, Kiersten is grounded for a week and sent to her room. She trudges up the stairs, grumbling how her mum didn't even let her explain, and heads in the direction of her room. As she gets to the top, she sees five heads poking out of her brother's bedroom door.

"Shove off wankers," she growls at them in passing. She is acting angry, but her heart speeds up at the sight of a curly haired lad with bright, moss green eyes. She has had a crush on her brother's friend, Harry, for the longest time. Little did she know, he felt the exact same way.

"What did you do?" Louis asks. He was always the nosy one of the bunch.

"Oh you didn't hear?" she questions sassily, stopping in the middle of the hall. Harry can't help but gaze over her body, his pants tightening slightly at the sight. She is wearing high-waisted lace shorts and a black long sleeve crop top, her usual. Liam hates it but has come to terms with his baby sister's trade mark style. Usually she wears skirts, sometimes with knee socks, but she occasionally wears shorts. Harry knows he shouldn't feel this way about his best mates sister, but he can't help it. She is so amazing and sweet and enticingly beautiful. "I broke Tommy Jacobson's nose."

With that, Kiersten turns on her toes, her ponytail whipping around, and sashays to her room, shutting the door softly behind her so as not to further upset her mother. Her heart is pounding out of her chest, she saw Harry leering at her. Maybe he likes her? Doubt it. Why would Harry Styles, the most popular boy in school and her brother's best friend, like her?

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