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You're a musician and are opening for the boys on their tour.

It has been two weeks since I told Harry how I felt and he expressed the same feelings. Our managers told us to keep it quiet and we act normal in public, like nothing out of the ordinary happened. When it's just me and the boys we act like a couple. We had a couple of days off so we all saw our families before starting the Asian leg of the tour. We arrive and get to our hotel, Harry and Liam aren't there yet but Louis, Niall and I go out and explore. Our first show is tomorrow and it is a big one. I'm in bed by 11:30, needing my rest, and there is a knock on my door. I get out of bed, pull on some sweatpants that hang low on my hips and with my crop top, show an incredible amount of skin, and open the door expecting to see Dan or someone making sure I'm all set for tomorrow. Instead I'm rewarded with piercing green eyes gazing into mine, a grin and dimples that make my knees go weak. Harry rushes into my room and picks me up, hugging me tightly, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck, the door slams shut behind him.

    "Baby I missed you so much," he mumbles against the crook of my neck.

    "I missed you. So so much," He sets me down and I wrap my arms around his waist. "How was Holmes Chapel?"

    "It was good. I brought Gemma with me this time," he says and I start to kiss the bare skin of his chest that is showing from his button down shirt.

    "Hmm," I hum between kisses. I start at the birds and make my way over his collarbone and up his neck, kissing every inch of skin I can see. "That will be fun. I can't wait to meet her."

    He walks forward pushing me so I walk backward until my legs hit the bed. He unwraps my arms from around his waist and softly pushes me down on the bed. His eyes are already blown with lust as he gazes down at me and I know it's going to be a rough night.


    "I gotta go love," Harry said, kissing my bare shoulder softly. It is six in the morning and we have a big show tonight. "I don't want to get you in trouble. I'll see you in a couple hours."

    "Okay," I mumble. "I love you."

    "I love you," I hear the door open and shut and then he is gone. I roll over to his side and wince. Things got a little, okay a lot rough last night, there are little purple hickeys all over my body. I fall back to sleep and wake up two hours later. I get ready slowly, deciding on a sundress to wear. There was no way in hell I was putting on jeans. I use makeup and cover up the marks and go downstairs for breakfast.

    "Y/N did you twist your ankle or something?" Louis asks as I limp into the dining area of the hotel. My limp isn't that bad and the pain is starting to subside.

    "Yeah," I shake my head as if to clear my mind then look at Harry. His eyes are wide and full of worry and sorrow, I smirk at him. "I tripped when I got out of bed this morning but I'm starting to feel better. The pain is going down a little bit."

    Harry's expression relaxes a little but he knows he's the real reason I'm sore.

    "Y/N you look so cute," Lou comes over and hugs me tightly then grabs my hand and pulls me over to the food. We sit back down, I take a seat next to Niall, kiddy corner from Harry.

    "Harry why are you eating so much?" Louis asks.

    "I'm hungry," he answers and glances at me and I bite my lip.

    "Good morning," Harry's sister, Gemma, walks over to the table. Everyone greets her.

    "Gemma this is Y/F/N Y/L/N," Harry says motioning at me.

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