Beach Volleyball

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For Cottoncandy143xo   All the love. x


It's a beautiful day. A couple of my mates and I decided to go to the beach here in LA. There aren't very many people here, luckily, I hate a crowded beach.

We play in the water a bit and relax in the sand and sun. Around noon we eat lunch, and an hour later we're back in the ocean again.

"Let's play volleyball," Louis suggests.

"Great," Zayn agrees. "Find some people."

We break and meander around the beach, searching for anyone who will play with us. I'm about to turn around when I see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. She's laying on a green towel, her black hair pulled up in a bun. A coral bikini really pops in contrast to her milk chocolate skin and accentuates her curves. The closer I get, I can see how much more beautiful she is. Her full, dark lips are pouty and plump, aviator sunglasses cover her eyes.

I clear my throat, my heart pounding in my chest, and she turns her head to me. My breath catches in my throat and I lose my nerve as she sits up. "Um ... hi. A few of us are playing volleyball and I wanted to know if you would like to join."

"That sounds great," she smiles at me, her perfect straight teeth shine a dazzling white. She slips off her glasses and stuff them in her bag before standing up and looking at me. Her eyes are dark brown with small flecks of gold in them, making them sparkle in the sunlight.

"Great!" I smile brightly my nerves starting to disappear. She stands and walks next to me, the short distance back to where we were. "I'm Harry by the way."

"Alexis," she smiles at me, making my heart race.

The rest of the walk is silent, and I steal glances at her every now and then. She is so beautiful, I can't stop smiling. We arrive at the net and Louis takes control, splitting everyone up into teams.

Alexis and I are on the same team, which makes me very happy. She's excellent at the sport, and our team shoots ahead. Louis is not very happy about this, but too bad. Sucks to be him.

I can't stop myself from watching her move. It's ... captivating how her body moves and how she carries herself. With the exercise of the game and the hot summer sun beating down on us, everyone is sweating and by the end we all just want to jump in the ocean.

"Come on Alexis!" I grab her hand and we race to the water. The salty spray of the ocean water splashes on our faces and cools us off. I pull her deeper into the water and we laugh at all the people getting wiped out by big waves.

We're almost to the line of people when a huge wave catches us off guard and pulls us under. Alexis' hand slips from mine, I quickly get my footing and step up, looking around to see her pop out of the water. She wipes the water off her face and looks at me with wide eyes. We both bust up laughing, being tackled by the water again.

"I think we should move in," she giggles after we've come up again.

"Good idea," I chuckle and turn toward the beach, beginning the journey back. Alexis screams and clings to my arm.

"Something touched me," she says.

"It was probably seaweed love," I giggle, she glares at me playfully. "But climb on my back, I'll protect you."

She doesn't even blink an eye, just grips my shoulders and jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck loosely.

"Thanks Harry," she mumbles in my ear, her hot breath warming my neck. "For today."

"Of course love," I smile, setting her down when we get into shin deep water. She slides off slowly and I instantly miss body pressed against mine. She's so warm and she makes me feel tingly. "I couldn't skip out on asking the most beautiful girl I've ever seen to come and hang out."

Her cheeks turn slightly pink and she bites her lip, looking down at the ground. I smile at the effect I have on her and hook my finger under her chin, tilting her head up so she is looking at me.

"I would really like  it if we could hang out again," I suggest in a low voice. She looks up at me with wide eyes, her full pouty lips slightly parted. My heart is racing in my chest, I can't breathe, the air is caught in my throat.

"I would love that," she answers quietly, smiling up at me. I gather my courage and lean in, pressing my lips to her cheek softly. This is going to be amazing, my stomach is twisting in knots.

"Come on," I grab her hand and pull her back to the beach. We sit on the sand, relaxing in the sun and talking about nothing. Soon the sun is setting and the boys have started a bonfire.

Alexis goes to grab her things and returns minutes later with her back, a white swimsuit cover, covering her body. She looks beautiful, the fire light dancing in her eyes as she sits next to me.

"You look beautiful," I say in her ear. She giggles and looks away then back at me.

"I think the salt water has gotten to your head," she says with a smile, her eyes squinting in the corners.

"Definitely not," I warp my arm around her waist and pull her close to me, so our sides are pressed together. "You're always incredibly beautiful and amazing."

"You hardly know me," she giggles, looking up at me with bright eyes.

"Well if you'll give me the chance, I'd like to change that," I respond quietly, my stomach twisting with worry and excitement.

"Okay," she breathes and I smile at her brightly.

I lean down and press my lips to her forehead in a light kiss, then pull away and reposition us so I'm behind her. She settles into me, leaning her back against my chest. I like having her this close, it feels natural. I just want to stay like this forever.


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