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I have a day off so I'm going with the boys to a photo shoot, then a short interview after. Harry and I have never been the public affection couple, we always try to keep the real intimacy private. Sure we hold hands and kiss and hug and be with each other but even in the beginning of our relationship we didn't see the need to be all over each other and clingy. Today though, I am feeling hot and bothered, so I'm wearing an outfit that I know will do the same to him. I'm wearing hot pink pumps, tight black leather jeans that show off my legs and my bum, and a thick sheer white blouse that is unbuttoned just enough to show something,  tucked in so you can still see my bum.

"Bloody hell," I hear Harry say when he sees me walking toward him. I watch as his eyes roam over my body several times.

"She looks fit," Niall says and is rewarded with a slap across the chest.

"Hi guys," I walk up and kiss them, saving Harry for last, I give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"May I ask what you are wearing?" Harry asks softly.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about," I say innocently.

"Boys!" the director calls them on the shoot. Harry gives me a 'I know what you are doing' look and follows the boys on set. I watch from the side lines quietly, slowly making my way in front of them.

I begin my torture by flirting with some of the workers. As long as I'm not keeping them from doing their job everything should be alright. I can feel Harry's eyes boring holes into my back.

"Brava little sister," Louis slings his arm over my shoulder once they've finished. I hum a laugh and lean into his touch as he kisses my head. I can feel someone staring at me and I turn to look, my golden eyes meeting green ones. Harry is staring at me so intently, my whole body flushes and I know my face is bright red.

Curse my body's reaction to that hot piece of ass!

His expression doesn't change, he just keeps staring at me like I'm the most interesting thing in the world.

"Y/N!" Niall comes up on the other side of me and wraps his arm around my waist. I turn my gaze from Harry's and look at the blonde Irishman. "You look hot today."

"Well thank you," I smile at him, still feeling Harry's gaze on me.

"What's the occasion?" Liam asks, coming over and standing in front of us.

"No occasion," I shake my head, a smirk forming on my lips. My eyes dart to Harry, whose gaze has intensified.

"She's just trying to create an up rise," Louis smirks at me. "And it's working by the looks of it."

Everyone turns to look at Harry, his excitement clearly visible, his eyes on fire. Niall chuckles and presses a kiss to my temple.

"Boys! Interview in five minutes. Let's go!"

Lou grabs my hand and drags me out the door and toward the room where the interview will take place. It's closed off, no audience, so I sit behind the crew in perfect view of Harry. When the interview starts, I give it a minute then begin. I spend the interview doing provocative hand gestures and mouthing dirty words to him. I chuckle as he shifts uncomfortably, darting his gaze away every now and then. Once it's over, Harry stands up abruptly and walks over to me.

"Let's go. Now," he growls and grabs my hand, pulling me up and out of the door. He pulls me into the dressing room and slams the door behind us, locking it while pushing me up against it at the same time. "You are going to get it hard for being such a tease."

"What about the boys?" I whimper out as he begins to suck on my neck roughly.

"They know not to come over here," he answers huskily, pushing his body farther into mine.


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