Surprise Visit [part 1]

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I'm standing at the backstage entrance, bargaining with the guard to let me in. I had made a deal with management a few months ago and they had agreed to let me surprise Harry, and stay if he asked me to.

"Please," I plead. "Harry is my boyfriend, but he doesn't know I'm here. I'm surprising him."

"I am sorry miss. I'm just doing my job." he says and I can tell he's getting annoyed with me.

"Okay," I take a deep breath. "Just ... give me a minute." I pull out my phone and walk away. I find Niall's number and hit send, waiting for a few seconds for him to pick up.

" Hello?" Niall answers in a husky voice.

"Niall it's Y/N. Don't say my name. Are you with Harry?" I say speedily, wanting to keep my presence here a surprise.


"Okay, leave the room. I need a favor."

"K, I'm in the hall. What's up?"

I take a deep breath, "Okay so I'm at the backstage entrance and I told the guard I was Harry's girlfriend but he wont let me in a-"

"Wait," Niall cuts me off. "You are here? In San Diego?"

"Yeah, I came to surprise Harry, and I need you to let me in. Please." I beg in a little girl voice.

"Okay," I hear him giggle through the phone. "I'm on my way."

"Thank you so much Niall." I say as I make my way back over to the guard.

"No problem love. Harry is going to be thrilled."

"I really hope so," I say as the backstage door opens and out pops Niall.

"She's good Sam," Niall says to the guard, grinning at me. I throw my arms around him then follow him into the hall.

"Thank you so much Niall. That guy would not listen to me," I exasperate.

"No problem," he laughs. "So how are you gonna surprise him?"

"Dunno. I probably should have thought about that."

"Well I think he's getting his hair done, I can call Lou and see if she'll distract him."

"Okay!" I say excitedly. Niall gets Lou on the phone and she agrees to distract him. We get to the door and I can hear Lou asking Harry about his hair.

"Your hair is getting pretty long," Lou says to Harry standing in the mirrors view of the door.

"Yeah, a little bit," I hear Harry say.

"What does Y/N think about your hair?"

"I love his hair Lou," I step into the room with a huge smile on my face. My heart is beating so loud I'm afraid everyone can hear it.

Harry spins around in his chair and stares at me for what feels like a century before he realizes it's me.

"Y/N!" Harry shouts and jumps out of his chair. I laugh as he runs over to me and picks me up and spins me around. He sets me on the ground and kisses me, gently at first, then he deepens it and a small groan escapes his lips. Someone clears their throat behind me and I break away from the kiss and turn around. The boys and Lou are standing in the doorway smiling at us.

"Hi guys!" I say walking over and hugging them. After I hug them all, they start to ask why I was here but before I can answer Harry grabs my hand and pulls me out the door.

"O-okay. See ya," I holler, turning and waving at them. I see them all pile out of the door, laughing as Harry drags me down the hall and into an empty room.

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