Daddy Issues

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Golf was the only way to get my father's attention. So that's what we did every Wednesday and Sunday. He was always busy with the business, being one of the wealthiest men in London made him well known. Everybody wanted his attention, so I had a lot of competition. Occasionally our golf days would be with clients or fellow business men or friends, but for the most part it was just us. The day I saw him however, was not just us.

It was a Wednesday, bright and sunny which was unusual for London. I got up and got dressed in a short golf skirt that hit just below my bum, with spandex Nike bloomers underneath to stop the peekers, and a tight exercise tank top. We arrived at the course and everything happened like it usually does. The people that were going to accompany us that day approached and the workers at the course went to work to get us what we needed. I rolled my eyes when I saw one of the creepy old men checking me out. Like leave weirdo! I'm 17 and you're like 100. Okay like 40, but still.

We get out to the first hole and everything goes in order, like always. Dad goes first, then me, then everyone else. Dad complimented me on the fourth hole, congratulating me on the Birdie I just shot. I smiled brightly at the ground, happy he finally noticed me. We drove up to the next hole and waited for the group ahead of us to finish. I looked across the way and then I saw him. He was just getting to the fourth hole with his group, his back to me. His bum was perky under his golf pants and I could see his curls coming out of his cap. Even from behind I could tell he was the most attractive boy I'd ever seen. Just as he turned and his eyes met mine, dad called my name.

"Y/N!" he shouted and I turned with a spin, letting my skirt fly up around me. I looked over the layout and distance then took the driver my caddie was holding out for me. I grabbed a tee and a bright pink ball from my bag then looked back to see the boy watching me. Smirking to myself, I squatted and shoved the tee in the ground setting the ball on top carefully. I stood up, pushing my ass up first then rolling my body. I could feel the eyes of many, especially the workers here since they know why I come. "Okay now keep the wind in mind."

I nodded at dad's advice, already knowing this, but I liked that he was paying attention to me. Slowly I aligned, spreading my legs and pushing my bum out, shaking it a bit. I glanced at the boy once more to see he was watching me closely. Smiling, I turn back to the ball and get re-situated.

"Take your time love," dad mumbled and I gasped. He's never called me that before. I looked at him with wide eyes and he smiled. "Go on then."

I nodded and turned back to the hole. Carefully I went back and forth, before I finally pulled all the way back and swung forward, hitting the ball perfectly and following through.

"Good job love," dad said. "You're back swing is getting better."

"Thank you daddy," I smiled up at him. He smiled back and opened his arms, but instead of hugging me, he pat me on the back. My smile faltered and I chuckled lightly up at him. My hopes shattered as I bent down and picked up the tee then turned swiftly and walked back to my bag. I didn't care that my skirt was blowing up in the wind, I didn't care that every guy there was watching me, even the creepy ones, I didn't care that the caddies were looking at me sympathetically. All I cared about was the fact that my father was acting like our moment never happened, now talking to one of his mates while the other one plays his turn.

I handed my caddie the club and tee without looking at him, and gazed out at the course with a frown. My deep hazel eyes met bright green ones. The smirk he was wearing suggested he knew something I didn't, that I had another thing coming. I cocked my head to the side and played with the hem of my short skirt, pulling it up slightly. His tongue darted out of his lips and I watched as his eyes traveled up my body to meet my eyes once again.

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