Tattoo [part 2]

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"Harry is all your shit packed?" I shout through our house. "We're going to miss our flight."

"Yeah, it's packed," he chuckles.

"I hope you're not bringing anything stupid that will get us in trouble on our honeymoon," I call to him again only to receive the same laugh.

"Babe, I'm done with that stuff," he says, entering the bedroom.

"Is that so Mr. Styles?" I question in an unbelieving voice, keeping my back to the door.

"Yes it's so Mrs. Styles," I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Good because I don't need to get arrested while we're in America," I sass.

Two days earlier: Harry age 21, Y/N age 20.

"I cannot believe you got me into this mess," I grumble, rubbing my hands down my face.

"I couldn't turn down the dare," he says in a sleepy voice. I look over to see my fiancé lying on the far bench, looking like a lazy cat.

"Why is it that whenever we come back to Cheshire you turn back into your punk/bad boy self," I ask with a small smile.

"Holmes Chapel just brings it out in me," he smirks. I stand and walk over to him, climbing on the wooden bench in push-up stance, hovering over him. He peeks one eye open and his smirk widens when he sees my position. He carefully turns on his back and grabs my hips, pulling me down so I'm lying on him.

"We're getting married tomorrow," I mumble, spreading my legs so I'm straddling him, my hands cupping his cheeks. "and I'm spending the night in jail. Real jail Harry. This isn't like when we were kids and they sent us to the detention center or Juvy."

"Exactly, we can do whatever we want in here," he smirks and I laugh at his cheekiness.

"No you can't," Officer Brown calls to us from where he is sitting at his desk only a few meters away. He's an older man and quite a good friend of ours. He was usually the one to arrest us.

"Oh come on Charlie," Harry tilts his head to look at him. "We're getting married tomorrow."

"I'm happy for you," Charlie smiles at us. "It's about time you kids tied the knot after 16 years of being glued to each other's side."

"You're coming to the ceremony right?" I ask crossing my arms over Harry's chest and laying my chin on them.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he smiles at us. "I think the chief called the whole station to go. It's been real quiet since you two left."

Two years ago: Harry age 19, Y/N age 18.

"Congratulations baby," Harry grabs hold of my waist and pulls me to him. I smile and wrap mine around his neck, leaning up on my toes to press my lips to his.

"Thank you love," I pull back and smile at him. We've been dating for two months and everything is going fabulously.

"So now that we are both graduated," he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door of the school where the ceremony was taking place. "What are we going to do?"

"What do you mean?" I ask with a giggle.

"Let's go, get out of this town," he turns to me with a wide smile. "We'll move to London, get our own flat, go to school, begin our lives together."

To someone outside, this may seem fast, but to me, to us, it was the perfect speed. We've been friends since I was four and he was five, we were pretty much already a couple before we made it official.

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