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"Ugh," I groan flopping across my desk. This math is too hard, I can't figure it out.

"Y/N," a deep voice says and I look up to find Marcel standing next to the desk. "Um, t-the teacher s-said you were struggling. I-I can t-tutor you if you w-want."

"Really?" I ask hopefully, pushing my chair back and standing up.

"Y-yeah," he says, gripping the collar of his white shirt and pulling it out slightly.

"Oh my gosh Marcel, you're a life saver," I throw my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much!"

"It's okay love," he says without stuttering, his voice is deep and low. "I've got a couple lessons in mind."

"Sounds great," I pull away with a smile, ignoring the tingling where his skin touched mine.

"My place? Tonight?" he asks, popping his dimples. He really is a cute kid, he just needs to learn a sense of style and get contacts and maybe loosen up his hair. Even just a pair of skinny jeans and lose the vest, he would look phenomenal. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and I look away, pulling out my phone.

"Sure, just text me the time and your address," I hand over my phone. I don't miss the smirk on his lips that makes him look incredibly hot, as he puts his number in my phone.

"Sounds good," he says coolly. "I'll see you later love."

He winks and walks out the door right as the bell rings, leaving me gaping after him. What the heck was that about and where did all that confidence come from?


"I saw you talking to Marcel," my friend says to me in a bitchy voice. She's really not my friend but in my group so I tolerate her.

"Yeah, he's tutoring me for math," I say, turning back to my best friend, Anne.

"Really?" Anne asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "He said he had a couple lessons to teach me."

"Sounds fascinating," she smirks and I slap her arm. "Where will this be taking place?"

"At his house tonight," I shrug, glancing down the hall. I look up and see Marcel, standing with his group of four other friends. He sees me staring and shoots me a wink, making me blush and look away.


I slowly walk up to the house of the address he sent me, and knock on the door. Marcel opens the door with a bashful smile.

"Come in Y/N," he steps aside. I walk in and he leads me up to his room. "Just sit anywhere, I'm going to take off my vest."

I nod and sit on the bed as he walks through another door. I pull out my text book and notebook and begin looking over the content. The door opens again and Marcel comes out, looking exactly the same, minus the vest, the tie, and his glasses.

"Alright, let's start," Marcel sits next to me with a smirk. He begins explaining the equation and helps me work through it. We continue this for an hour, then he sighs and leans back against the wall. "You're doing well. Why don't we take a break, do something else?"

"Sure," I shrug, tossing my things to the floor and sitting back with him. "What do you wanna do?"

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" he suggests.

"That sounds fun," I say, turning my body toward him, crossing my legs.

"Great," he smirks. "Why don't I go first? Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I answer safely.

"Twat," he mumbles playfully. I gasp and slap his arm, making him grin at me. "Okay, are you a virgin?"

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