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For Alli_Directioner29 Buon Compleanno babe! All the love. xx


I keep my head in my notebook, ignoring the teacher's lesson. I'm not one to pay attention or listen to authority, everyone knows it too. I spend most of my time in my notebook, drawing out new tattoo designs and blocking out everything else.

What most people don't know, is that I have a page in the back, devoted for drawings of Alessia. She's my favorite thing to draw. I draw my view of her in the one class I have with her. She sits across the room, her nose always buried in a book.

I glance at her quickly then turn back to my sketch of her beautiful profile. She's so perfectly amazing, I can't help but admire her. The way her eyebrows furrow when she writes in her notebook, how her hair drapes over her shoulder, and the way she often pushes her glasses up with her middle finger. She's so delicate, and is soft with everything she does. Her voice is soft and airy, but strong and seductive, drawing everyone she talks to, closer.

She looks up from her binder and glances around the class. Our eyes meet and my heart stops, her brown eyes are so beautiful and dark. When she looks away, I start a new sketch, pulling out my brown colored pencil, coloring in the eyes to match her's perfectly. It doesn't do her justice, but it still looks beautiful.

The bell finally rings and I snap my book shut, holding it close to my chest. I walk out of the room with the rest of the crowd, all of them parting ways so I can push through. Everyone thinks I'm a bad boy, and I don't correct them, they can think what they want.

I stop in the middle of the hall, right next to my locker and pull out my phone, texting Louis to see where he wants to go for lunch. A hand slaps my notebook from my arms, it falls to the ground, opening to the page I was drawing on earlier. I look over and see Niall snickering at me.

"Fuck off tosser," I grumble, slapping him upside the head.

Just as I'm about to bend down to pick it up, but someone is already picking it up. I'd recognize that hair anywhere, it's Alessia. She closes the book, then picks it up and stands. I gulp and take the book as she hands it to me. She gives me a soft smile, her eyes twinkling brightly.

"Hi Harry," she says in that voice I love so much.

"H-" my breath gets caught in my throat. I clear it, elbowing a snickering Niall in the ribs, in the process. "Hi Alessia."

And that was the day my life changed forever.


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