The Interview

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- You're a famous musician-

"Please welcome Y/N Y/L/N," Ellen announces me and I walk onto the set. I give the audience a smile and a small wave before hugging Ellen."You look fantastic."

"Thank you," I'm wearing a flora strapless dress that hits mid thigh with a deep purple pump. "You look fantastic."

"Thanks, and you smell amazing. What are you wearing?" We take a seat.

"I'm wearing 'You & I' by One Direction," I smile.

"Really, It smells incredible," she says, we talk a little about my music.

"So Y/N," Ellen says after a while. "What band or song to you dance to in your underwear?"

"One Direction," I say immediately and seriously.

"That was fast," she looks at the audience and they laugh.

"I'm a huge fan," I smile. "I love their work, they're amazing. They're my favorite band."

"Have you ever met them?"

"I met them a couple times and we've hung out a couple times since then."

"What were you thinking the first time you met them?"

"The first time I met them was a couple months ago, we were at like a fashion show or something and we were on the carpet, and I heard people like screaming and so I looked and there was One Direction. All I could think was 'ohmygosh, ohmygosh, oh my gosh, ohmygosh'" the audience and Ellen are laughing. "and they started walking over to me and I just froze. Then a reporter called my name and tapped my shoulder so I turned and talked to them and then the boys were right there behind me. Niall was like 'Y/N we meet at last, it is very lovely to meet you,' and my heart dropped like to the floor."

I'm talking really loud over the audiences laughter.

"On the outside I was polite and friendly. I was like 'Oh my gosh babes hi,' that is what I say when I don't know the person and sometimes I say that even if I do. and I kissed all their cheeks, you know proper like, and then I said 'I'm a big fan it is wonderful to finally meet y'all' but on the inside I was like," I stand up and do a proper fangirl freakout. "'Ohmygoshit'sonedirectiontheyaresohotIcan'teven, aahh!!'"

The crowd and Ellen are laughing so hard, I sit back down and continue my story.

"So the rest of the night I act normal but when I get home that night I just let it out. I just screamed my heart out and had a proper fangirl attack. I scared my dog so bad she wouldn't come out from under my bed for like an hour." Ellen and the audience calm down after a minute.

"Would you be embarrassed if I told you they were here and they were watching right now?" she asks.

"Not really," I say honestly. "I don't get embarrassed that easily over stuff like this. I know who I am and I'm not ashamed of it."

"That is good to hear because," she pauses and motions behind me. "It's One Direction."

Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry walk out onto the set, I stand up and hug them and they come and sit around me, placing me in the middle.

"Oh my gosh it's Y/N she's so hot!" Louis shrieks. Everyone, including myself starts to laugh.

"I didn't really plan to bring them out but your answer was so fantastic how could I not," Ellen laughs.

"It's okay," I smile. Harry is sitting next to me and leans back and puts his arm behind me, giving me butterflies.

"Now that you guys have heard Y/N's fist impression of you, what where your first impressions of her?" Ellen asks. I smirk and look around at them.

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