Daddy Issues [part 2]

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We lay there panting, coming down from our highs. I turn my head to see Harry already looking at me. He turns on his side so he's facing me, his arm resting under his head. I ignore him, pulling the sheet up higher on my naked body. He clicks his tongue in disapproval and grips the sheet over me, pulling it down to my bellybutton.

"You know I don't like when you cover yourself up," he says in a rough voice, his fingertips trailing over my skin. "You're so beautiful, all the time."

My face heats up but I continue to look at the ceiling, my breath hitches as he drags his finger lightly between my breasts. I bite my lip as he presses a soft kiss to my shoulder.

"So beautiful," he mumbles, kissing up to my collarbone and down over my body, all the while mumbling sweet compliments to me.

"Daddy," I whine, my face flushed a deep red as he prods his tongue into my belly button.

"So beautiful," he says, looking up at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes playfully and he leans up so he is hovering over me. "Oh what's wrong lovely?"

"My lips are jealous you're spending all your time at my belly button," I tell him. He smirks and leans down, ghosting his lips over mine.

"Well maybe we should put those pretty lips to work," he says huskily, pushing his hips into mine harshly. I bite my lip to hold in a moan, keeping eye contact with his seductive gaze.

"As much as I would love for you to fuck my mouth right now," I smirk at the small groan that leaves his lips. "I have a presentation tomorrow in English."

"Hmm," he hums as if thinking it over while kissing along my jaw and neck. "Well maybe my mouth could fuck you instead."

I hold in another moan as his mouth abuses my neck, his words lighting a fire inside of me.


"Alright class, settle down," Mrs. Smith says, rising from her desk. "We will start presentations now. First to go-"

A knock on the door stops her from finishing the sentence, and a very mouthwatering Harry walks into the room. I shamelessly eye rape him before his eyes meet mine and he smirks. I give him a 'what the hell' look and he winks at me.

"I'm looking for a Mrs. Smith," he says in that deep, thick, husky, slow voice that gets me every time.

"I am Mrs. Smith," she answers warily. "May I ask who you are?"

"Wow," he replies coolly, raking his eyes up and down her body. Something ignites inside of me I instantly recognize as jealousy. "They didn't tell me you were so entrancing."

She blushes, now putty in his large hands, and he smirks, knowing he has won.

"My name is Harry Styles," this gets the girls chatting even more. "I'm studying to be an English teacher and Head Master said it would be alright if I observed your class."

"Yes of course," she flushes, making me more upset. "Have a seat."

He nods and turns toward the class, shooting me a wink when he catches my eye. I watch him skeptically from the corner of my eye, almost positive he is up to no good.

I don't like that he is in here with all these other girls, there's boys here too but they don't count. I'm afraid he will find something newer and better to occupy his attentions.

"Right, class, as I was saying," Mrs. Smith speaks up again, pulling me from my thoughts. "We will start presentations today. First up is Y/N. The floor is yours Miss Hampton."

I nod and rise from my seat, fixing my jeans while I walk to the front. My eyes land on Harry instantly, he's watching me with a smirk. I pull my eyes away from him and focus on the job at hand.

All throughout the presentation, I can feel Harry's eyes on me, raising heat on my cheeks and accelerating my heart rate. It felt like it was dragging on forever, I had to keep wiping my hands on my jeans. When it's over, I sit down quickly, hiding my face from view of Harry. I know he is watching me, I've learned that stare. It haunts my every waking moment, reminding me who I belong to.

Five minutes before class ends, Harry leaves the room, and I release the breath I didn't know I was holding. He can be quite intimidating, but it's mostly the dynamic of our relationship. It's been one month since that day, and for the first two weeks, it was mostly about how we moved together between the sheets, or in my dad's office, or in the bathroom, we obviously have no self-control. Now though, I'm starting to have feelings for him, how could I not. He's charming and sweet and caring and gorgeous, he's the most perfect human being in the world.

The bell rings and everybody rises from their seats, exiting through the door. I walk out, looking everywhere for the man child, he's too cheeky for his own good. Harry is nowhere in sight, so I go to my locker and grab my things for next class. The day is almost over, I can't be more thrilled. One more day and then it's the weekend, my favorite part of the week. On Saturdays now, I spend the entire day with Harry, he's teaching me how to play Fifa on the Xbox and football in real life. It's harder than it looks.

I begin walking to class, pulling out my phone to see if Harry texted me. A hand covers my mouth from behind and an arm wraps around my waist, dragging me backwards. I scream and attempt to fight but nothing works. I'm pulled into an empty classroom and tossed against a wall, my back hitting it hard. I look up to see Harry standing a meter away, a devilish smirk on his lips.

"Harry! You fucking jerk!" I shout at him, rushing forward and slapping his chest. "You scared me to death! I thought I was going to get raped!"

"That could be arranged," he grabs my wrists and stops me from beating on him.

"Fuck you! Get away from me," I pull my arms away and back up against the wall.

"Don't you talk to me like that baby girl," he growls, walking toward me. "I think daddy needs to punish you."

My eyes widen as he stands in front of me, his smirk growing. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see your presentation," he says sweetly. "You were very good."

"Thanks," I mumble as he hooks a finger into the belt loop of my jeans.

"Despite you're wearing the wrong clothes," his thumb plays with the zipper. "You know I like easy access."

I giggle and roll my eyes, "What are you doing here daddy?"

He grins and grabs my hips, spinning us around so he's against the wall and I'm against him. "Can't I just drop by and see my baby?"

I giggle again and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. I pull away and rub my nose against his. "Awe. You missed me."

"I always miss you," he says in a little kid voice, pouting his lips cutely. I hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. He pulls away slightly and looks in my eyes. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I would love nothing more babe," I answer with a smile. He grins back at me and kisses me hard, lifting me up and spinning around.


Hi *she said awkwardly*

As I'm sure you have already figured out, I have a major daddy and Mr. Styles kink. So there will probably be more of it. If you don't like it, I'm sorry. Thanks for reading! Love you all!! xx

Part 3 in my second book of Harry Styles Imagines!!

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