Caught in the Rain

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For SamHarryStyles All the love. x

Ugh! Of course I would get off the tube and a thunderstorm would hit London. Just my luck. I grab a newspaper from the stand, and hold it over my hair while I walk up the steps. When I get to the street, I'm blinded by the rain pouring down heavily and the swarms of people trying to get somewhere dry.

I curse under my breath as the newspaper falls soaked onto my head after only two minutes of standing in the rain. I pull it off and toss it into the bin beside me, then shield my eyes with my hand and squint through the rain to find some sort of cover.

"Bloody hell," I mutter, my voice lost in the rain. Deciding to chance getting lost, I walk carefully through the wet streets, not wanting to slip. I spot a Harrods up ahead and decide to go in there.

"Oh come out of the cold dear," an older lady, maybe in her 50's approaches me. She grabs my arm and pulls me away from the door. "Oh goodness, you're soaked to the bone. You'll catch you're death out there. Let's get you into some dry clothes love, and I'll fix you a cup of tea."

I nod, my teeth chattering. She is a sweet lady, reminding me of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast. I allow her to drag me into the changing room and change into the clothes she throws at me. Setting my purse on the ground, I strip off my wet things, which is difficult since all of it is sticking to me like a wet bathing suit. I even take off my underpants and pull on the red lace bottoms she gave me and matching bra.

"Here's a towel my dear," she hands one through the curtain. "If you would like to give me your wet things I'll lay them out to dry."

"Thank you," I say quietly, passing the dripping pile through the curtain. I dry off my body and wrap my hair in the towel to dry. Next I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue button up that looks like jean material. She gave me a white sweater that I pull on over the button up and a pair of white socks. Unwrapping my hair from the towel, I fluff it out so it dries nicely, then pick up my purse and exit the stall.

"Oh there you are," she enters the changing room with a pair of black boots and a brown coat. "It's still a bit cold so I brought you a coat and these shoes should fit."

"Thanks," I pull the boots on and shrug on the coat, letting the layers warm me up. I follow her out, holding all the tags I ripped off the clothes in one hand. "Thank you for your help, I'll pay for these now."

"Oh dear don't worry about it," she says, walking swiftly to the register.

"I can't just keep all of this," I say, standing in front of the table and setting all my tags on it.

"No dear I'm saying someone has already paid for it," she smiles at me.

"What?" I breathe, stunned silent.

"Yes dear," she smiles politely. "Don't worry about a thing. Why don't you go to the furniture section and I'll bring you a cuppa."

"W-who paid for my clothes?" I ask quietly.

"Well there is one other person here, a young man. He was quite the looker, very handsome," she winks at me. "I sent him to the furniture as well. Now run along, I'll bring you a cup of tea."

"Thank you," I say with a nod and stuff the tags in my purse. Turning on my heel, I wander my way through the store toward the couches. Once I spot them, I sigh in relief, eager to get off my feet. I freeze in my track though when I spot a boy, well young man, sitting on one of the plush couches.

Straight off I can tell he's absolutely gorgeous. Curly brown hair that hits below his shoulders, a strong jaw, plump pink lips. He's wearing a navy shirt and coat so I can't really see his body, but his hands are holding an iPhone 6, and they look ginormous.

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