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"So what are your plans dear?" Great Aunt Berniece is the umpteenth person to ask that today and I'm ready to kill. That is mostly the reason I hate these stupid family gatherings.

Woo! Another cousin is getting married! Who fuckin gives a shit! Not me! But I come to make my mom happy. I really just wish Harry was here.

"Well," I begin the rehearsed lines, not really paying attention to what I'm saying. "I'm working at a Law firm. Harry and I are doing great. He's starting a new tour in a couple months, which is really exciting."

"That's wonderful," she gives me a thin lipped smile and I return it then turn and walk to the open bar. Thank the maker there is one, I wouldn't be able to make it through the day without it.

The other reason I hate family gatherings is because all the crazys come out. The ones you avoid at Christmas and that never come to reunions because of something so stupid. At things like this, they come out of the woodwork, swarming like bees. They want to know everything about everyone.

What am I doing with my life? How is my relationship? Do I still live across the country in L.A? When am I moving back to Queens? When am I getting married? Is it hard to be with Harry?

Seriously?! I got my GED at 15 and just finished Law School. What is so hard to remember about that. Every time I have to tell my life story. They're fuckin worse than the paparazzi. I grab the scotch and soda off the counter, quickly downing it when I see my great grandmother coming over. She's against drinking so everyone hides it from her, which is super irritating. I'm 22, I can do what I want but even my grandpa, her son hides it. I quickly order a water and get it just in time for her arrival.

"Hello dear," she greets. Do all old people call young people dear? I think it's like a rule. "When's you're wedding?"

I choke on the water I'm drinking. Spilling the contents of the cup all over the bar. After coughing the water out of my lungs I look at her. What the hell!? You don't just ask someone that! Harry and I have been together for barely a year. I love him with all my heart. And I mean, I want to marry him some day but that's a ways down the road.

"It'll be a few years Bubbie," I answer in a raspy voice.

"As long as it's before I'm dead," she offers a sickly sweet smile and walks away.

"When will that be exactly?" I mumble under my breath and turn back to the bartender. He is watching me with an amused expression. I ignore him and order a Heineken.

"Rough day?" He asks with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Please tell me why I flew 5 and a half hours to be questioned like I'm a criminal when I could be cuddling with my boyfriend at home?" I sigh, taking a swallow of my beer.

"Why don't you leave then?" He asks and I shrug.

"Moral support I guess. I do what I'm told," with that I walk away and toward the newly wedded couple. After another two hours and many more drinks, I catch a cab to the airport. A long flight and lots of water later, I'm in a cab on the way to mine and Harry's house.

Upon walking in I flop over on the couch, not even bothering to fix my sundress I feel up around waist, my leather jacket still clinging to my arms.

"Love?" a rough English accent calls me and I smile.

"Hi baby," I holler at him. He walks into the room and smirks when he sees me.

"Just because I'm two years younger than you does not mean you can call me baby," he grumbles in mock agitation. He grabs my hand and pulls me up right then helps take off my jacket.

"I'm pretty sure it does," I say, laying back down on my side and opening my arms. He smirks and lays down facing me, resting his chin on top of my head and wrapping his arm around my head. I wrap my arm around his chest as his leg goes over my waist. I slip my leg between his and pull him closer.

"How was the wedding?" He mumbles into my hair.

"The usual," I sigh. "Everyone asked what I was doing with my life and then Bubbie asked when I was getting married which made me spit my water out."

He chuckles and I pinch his nipple. "Ow! Babe I'm sorry but that's funny."

I grumble and bury my face farther into his chest. With a sigh I close my eyes, "I missed you."

"I missed you love," he mumbles and pulls me closer. The worries and stress of the day melt off my shoulders as Harry snuggles into me. I feel his chest rise and fall against me, slowly his breathing evens out.

"I love you Harry," I whisper, not expecting him to hear.

"I love you Y/N," he sighs and I smile. Closing my eyes I focus on his heartbeat and slowly drift off in the arms of my love.


For LillieAnnaHoran
Sorry I couldn't cuddle you babe! Hope this helps😚

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