Professional Dancer

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For lydia_gabrielle  All the love. xx

"Again! Come on Lydia! You can do this," my partner calls to me. "Feel the music. Breath it in and out."

I nod and wait for the music to start up. When I hear my cue, I start dancing the routine, hitting every movement hard. I only get a few beats into it before the music shuts off and Estiban starts shouting at me again.

"You are not feeling the music Lydia!" he yells. "You need to feel it in your core, in your bones, in your heart."

"I'm trying Estiban!" I shout back.

"You are not trying hard enough!" He responds. I groan and bend over, resting my hands on knees. "We have a performance tonight, to prepare for the real one. I only pray you don't screw it up."

"How about instead of criticizing me and dragging me down, you help me get the steps right," I retort. He scoffs, but nods in agreement.

Usually we get along well, but the heat is on us to get this performance right. We're debuting the beginning for a royal event, and it needs to be perfect.

We practice for a few more hours, until we think it's good. I go home and take a nap then prepare for the performance.

"You're gonna do great love," Harry mutter, kissing my temple as we climb into the car.

"Thanks babe," I mumble to my fiancé.

He drives us to the event, but I don't really pay attention, jut focus on my breathing. I'm really nervous, but I'm sure I'll do well.

Harry reaches over and sets his hand on my knee, softly rubbing to comfort me. We pull up to the building and Harry gets out first, opening my door for me. I take his hand and we walk inside.

"Good luck my love," Harry mumbles, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Thanks, love you," I mutter, turning to meet Estiban in the back.

We stretch and get ourselves ready for the performance. When they call for us to go on, my nerves are heightened in the delightful way the always do when I perform.

We walk out onto the floor and get into position while waiting for the music to start. When it does, I begin the memorized steps, feeling the music. We spin around the dance floor, doing what we love most.

The end is the part where I was struggling earlier, and as it comes up my stomach twists. I do my set then spin to Estiban, counting on him to catch me. I catch his foot though, and go tumbling to the ground.

I reach out my hands to catch myself, and when it reaches the linoleum, there is a sickening crack. Pain shoots up my arm and I crumble to the ground in a heap. I faintly hear Harry's voice before I black out.


I'm lying in a hospital bed when I come to. Slowly blinking open my eyes, I look around the room and see Harry sleeping in a chair. I smile to myself and look down to find my wrist is in a splint.

The door to my room opens and a doctor walks in. "Oh good, you're awake."

"Yeah, what happened?" I ask, glancing at Harry for a moment.

"You took a nasty fall while performing and broke your wrist quite harshly. I'm legally not allowed to put on a cast unless you're awake so we had to wait," he explains. "But if you're ready, we'll get it all set up and you can be discharged."

"Yes, please," I nod, eager to leave.

"Shall I wake up your fiancé?" He asks.

"Uh, yes please," I smile. My fiancé. I still can't get used to it.

The doctor shakes Harry awake and he rushes to me. "Oh baby, are you alright? I was so worried Lydia. Everything is going to be okay, alright?"

I giggle and grab the nape of his neck, pulling him down until his lips meet mine. "I know love. Because you're here."

He smiles widely and captures my lips again, kissing me sweetly. I pull away breathless, amazed by the wonderful man I have in my life.

"I love you," I mutter as I'm wheeled out of the room in a wheelchair, Harry by my side.

"I love you," he says, smiling down at me. Definitely a good day.


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