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For IulissaStyles All the love. x

Avenue West and Easton Crown are the two deadliest gangs in Burkoff City. Easton Crown controls the East side of town. They're viciously harsh, never sparing anyone. They use people then throw them in the dirt, and their leader is the worst one. Harry Edward Styles.

He cares about nothing and nobody, except his boys. They're all exactly like him, fuck boys who use girls and leave them. I swear Harry has slept with everything in this town that has a hole.

I've not came across him myself, don't even know what he looks like, I only know from the stories. I live on the West side, which is controlled by Avenue West.

Much like Easton Crown, Avenue West is harsh and merciless. Their leader isn't as bad though. He cares about his family and his crew and he protects his territory. It's still unsafe to go out at night though.

The leader of Avenue West, is Michael Haygan, my father. He's very protective of me and likes to keep me locked inside the house. It's hard, but I do what he says.

"Iulissa!" He shouts up the stairs. I sigh but stand from my bed and exit my room. I walk downstairs and see his crew in the lounge, like they always are, dad comes out from the kitchen. "A few members of Easton Crown were spotted by the mall, so I want you to stay home until I say."

"Yes sir," I nod.

The only good thing about getting to stay home all the time, is that I do school online, which is nice, and we live in a mansion. Most of dad's crew lives with us, so we needed a big house. My room is huge, it's basically a flat by itself. My dad never wanted me to be in this lifestyle, but when my mum left I had to be, so that's why he hides me.

"Come play with us sugar," Zayn calls from the lounge where several of them are playing Halo.

I sigh and close my eyes as my father presses a kiss to my forehead, then walk into the lounge. Zayn pulls me down on his lap as I pass and wraps his arms tightly around me, preventing me from leaving. I huff in defeat and lean back against him, I know there is no protesting or getting away. They never do anything serious to me, just make me sit on their laps or cuddle with them. Not all of them though, my dad only has specific ones he'll let touch me. He's very protective, but I like it. It's better than him ignoring me.

We all sit there for about an hour, then dad comes into the room. "Zayn, Louis I want you guys to scout a five mile radius around the house. Thomas and Derek, same around the mall, they've been spotted again. Everyone else is out patrolling. If you see anyone within ten miles of the house, call me. This feud they've started is one thing, but messing with our family is another."

"What happened?" Zayn asks, standing up with me still in his arms, and setting me down carefully on ground.

"Mikey called and said he saw the one called Luke and another, poking around by his house," Dad says and Zayn's grip tightens on my hips. "Makenna was playing in the yard."

"Fuck," Louis mutters. Makenna is Mikey's daughter.

"Brandi and Ken are coming here later," dad continues, listing off Mikey's wife and daughter. "But right now, I want everyone on patrol. Ten miles distance of the house, you call me."

With that the boys break, Zayn and Louis kissing my cheeks before they all leave. I look at my dad with wide eyes and he looks back at me with a fond expression that turns stern in seconds. "Go to your room Iulissa, lock the door. Don't answer the door for anybody and don't open your bedroom door unless you hear our knock."

He and I have a special knock, it's my middle name in mores code. He's kind of a nerd that way, but I love him. He says the knock is to keep me safe. I've never had anyone but him knock on the door but he says it's a must.

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