Under The Stars

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For SoftballStar16  All the love. K
~it's better if you listen to the song as you read :)


Anna and I are staying at my parent's house for the weekend. They begged me to bring her and how could I say no to spending time with my girl. They are crazy about her and I can't say that I'm any different.

Right now we're in the living room, having tea after dinner and talking. I watch Anna as she talks animatedly to my mum, Robin's asleep in the chair, just minutes away from snoring. The blonde tips of her hair brush over her shoulder as she moves, her plump pink lips are stretched out in a smile. Her dark hazel eyes flit around the room until they land on mine. A soft, yet fond smile dances across her lips before she looks back at my mum who is talking to her.

I watch them chat for a minute before standing up. I walk over and kiss the top of her head then kiss my mum. I then go over to Robin and shake him awake, suggesting he get on up to bed. Smiling, I watch him shuffle up the stairs before going into the kitchen for a glass of cold water.

Water in hand, I walk upstairs to my childhood room and place the glass on the nightstand. I go to the window and open it up, allowing the warm summer night air to blow into the room. It's such a beautiful night, so warm and peaceful, maybe I should do something romantic for Anna. She would love it. She's always saying we never get any time for just us, so this would be perfect.

She walks in suddenly and jumps on the bed. I stand up straight and move to the foot of the bed. I bump my legs against the bed, drawing her attention to me. She looks up and meets my gaze with her beautiful dark eyes, and cocks her head to the side. I nod my head to the side, gesturing for us to leave.

"What?" She asks, shaking her head when she gets my meaning. "Harry, it's 11:00."

"So," I shrug. "You've snuck out before."

"Yeah, but not from your parents house," she rolls her eyes.

"C'mon baby," I smirk at her. "Live a little."

She raises an eyebrow, her face blank of all other emotion. "Be adventurous."

A slight smirk forms on her lips and I pop my dimples. "Get your sweet ass off the bed and get in the car."

"I can take you down Styles," she threatens.

"That's because you cheat," I tell, turning away from her and placing one arm on the bed and leaning forward, putting all my weight on my arm.

"I do not cheat," she says, sounding taken aback. "You can't even cheat in wrestling."

"Yes you do," I tell, standing up straight. "You push your body against mine and distract me."

"Well that's not cheating," she smirks, going up on her knees and waddling over to me. When she gets to me, she wraps her arms around my neck, a playful smile on her lips. She leans closer, stopping when her mouth is only an inch away from mine. "That's just foreplay."

I growl in my throat and reach around her, grabbing her perky bum in my large hand and squeezing slowly. A giggle escapes her lips, her sweet breath dances across my lips and I pull her body against mine. "Put on your shoes and get in the car."

"Yes dear," she says with a giggle, brushing her lips with mine before pulling away and jumping off the bed.

I chuckle and slap her bum while walking out of my room and tiptoe to the linen closet. I grab three blankets then sneak down the stairs and slip my boots on that are sitting by the door. I pull the door open and quickly step out, shutting it closely behind me. Turning around, I smile when I see my Mercedes Benz convertible started up and my beautiful girlfriend sitting in the passenger seat.

I walk to the car and climb in, tossing the blankets in the back. Putting the car in reverse, I pull out of the driveway and drive down the street. While we're driving, I reach my hand over and slide it between her legs, resting it there. My thumb rubs softly against her jeans and I glance at her to see a smile as she looks out the window.

It's about a 20 minute drive before we make it to the secluded spot in the forest just outside town. I pull into the meadow and put the car in park, then put down the top. I kiss Anna's cheek before getting out and spreading a blanket on the backseat. She squeals excitedly and turns off the car lights and puts on low music.

I climb into the car and lay down across the backseat, using another blanket for a pillow. Anna giggles and crawls in next to me, laying her head on my chest. The only light around, is the moon and stars, creating a romantic vibe. The bass of the music thrums through the car, only adding to the atmosphere. She reaches her arm across my waist and interlocks our fingers.

I tighten my other arm around her shoulders and pull her closer. She slots her legs with mine so we're both comfortable, and releases a content sigh. The warm breeze blows in and around us, following my fingers as they brush through her hair.

We don't say any words, letting the night say them for us. The longer we lay cuddled there, the closer we squish together and I can feel her heart beating against mine. She looks up at me with soft, fiery eyes, adding to the fire I feel inside right now. Everything feels so elevated and surreal. It's just us, in love and in the back of the car, the speakers on low. I take mental pictures of her and store them in my mind for later.

She raises an eyebrow in a silent question and I raise one in confusion. Letting out a little giggle, she slowly pushes up till she is hovering over me. A confused expression crosses my face and she hits my leg with her knee, gesturing for me to scoot over. I do and she falls into the spot I was just occupying, taking my position. A shy dimpled smile takes over my features as she opens her arms, signaling me to cuddle into her. I do so immediately, tucking the top of my head into her neck and curling myself around her.

Her heart beats steadily in my ear, and I ignore the blanket of stars surrounding us to look up at her. The moonlight dances across her features, emphasizing my favorite parts of her. Her hair, her eyes, her skin, her lips, that little freckle on the side of her chin, along her jaw, that she hates so much but I think it's adorable.

Leaning my head up, I softly kiss her neck and whisper into her skin. "I love you."

She shivers faintly after I pull away, and turns her head slightly to meet my gaze. That fire in her eyes is more passionate and is adding to the flame licking the inside of my chest, almost ready to combust.

"I love you."

Smiling, I press a soft kiss to her collarbone then lay my head back down on her chest. Her hand that isn't wrapped around my arm, starts playing with my hair. I make a hum like purr of content and nuzzle farther into her, letting the flames burning in my chest, warm my entire body. This night is perfect.


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