Improper Feelings

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For harrysxkitty All the love. xx

Warning! Incest. If you don't like it, don't read it. And don't comment.

I sigh and lean against the side of the school building, waiting patiently for my brother to come out so we can go home. He had to talk to a teacher or something, I don't know. I can't ever pay attention to him when he speaks, his voice is just so velvety and thick, like melted chocolate.

His hair is always windswept and unruly, tangling in seductive curls that only make you want to run your fingers through them to see if they are as soft as they look. Eyes, green and lush, a twinkle of mischief brings you in then holds you captive. His lips are plump and pink, a color that can't be matched with any cosmetics known to man.


I shake away my dungeon worthy thoughts, and look up to see Harry standing in front of me. My heart beats a little faster knowing he is in such close proximity. He has a playful smirk on his delicious lips, his eyes sparkling with something I can't decipher.

"Why aren't you in the car?" He asks, indicating to the keys I have in my hand.

"I couldn't remember where we parked," I look up at him with wide innocent eyes.

He chuckles and steps forward so he is directly in front of me. My breath catches in my throat as he leans down and presses his silky soft lips to my forehead in a delicate kiss. He pulls away and grabs my small hand in his enormous one. "C'mon kitten, let's get you home."

I giggle as he tugs me to the car, his long legs carrying him graciously. Those legs, much like his hands, are god like. Thick thighs, a shapely bum, well-crafted calves. He always wears jeans that hug his figure, showing off every curve and indent.

He pulls me to a stop at the passenger side of the car, and opens the door for me. His hands are large, with long slender fingers. A tattoo between his thumb and first finger, draws your attention to the beautiful array of tattoos up his arm and along his chest and back. The fact that he never buttons his shirt, also catches your eye. With his chest on full display, your eyes wander over the smooth and tanned skin, black ink splashing the perfection and making it more so.

"Lexi," he shakes my shoulder, once again drawing me away from my terrible, terrible thoughts. I look at him with wide eyes and he cracks a soft smile. His eyes are gentle, like he's looking at a baby deer.

That's how he always looks at me. I'm just his sweet, innocent, little sister, who needs to be protected from the ways of the world. Mum, dad, and Harry all keep me locked up and innocent.

"Are you alright love?" Harry asks, lifting his hand from my shoulder and pushing a stray hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, just worried about a test," I lie, the butterflies in my tummy making me sick.

"You're gonna do amazing kitten," he says softly, a smile appearing to match his tone. His use of my childhood nickname makes me smile. "Come on, let's go inside."

I nod and we climb out of the car. Harry waits for me to walk around to his side, then places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the house. I take off my shoes at the door and set my backpack on the stairs, before walking into the kitchen.

"Hello loves. How was school?" Mum asks.

"Was fine," I answer, taking a seat on one of the stools at the bar.

"Where's Robin?" Harry asks, entering the kitchen. Robin and mum got married when Harry was really little, then they had me.

"Had a business trip," mum answers. "Won't be home for a few days."

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